Video details

Time and destiny, Melbourne
Every saint or holy incarnation has to go through certain experiences in life.
Even God has to go through particular situaions. Does God have a destiny? The life of Jesus - he had to go through many hard situations in his life. Was this his destiny or was him given a task to go trough? Swamiji tells episodes from the life of the Sufi master Mansur Al-Hallaj and Hanumanji from the Ramayana. If we have faith - God and we are one - then nothing will happen. When we hold on God's name we will cross the ocean and reach the shore of happiness and peace. Kirtan is the repetition of God's name. The positive vibration will resonance in our whole body and will give positive effects. This will influence our destiny. Guruvakyas, Satsangs, Kirtans and Bhajans are good guidelines in our life. Recorded in Melbourne, Australia.