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The whole world is my family, Sunshine Coast

The whole world is my family, Sunshine Coast

Recorded on: 8 Apr 2011

The satsang starts with bhajans.

Welcome - is coming home not as a guest, but as a family member. Sannyasins renounce their own family therefore the whole world is their family. Swamiji tells an episode from the Ramayana where Ravana kidnapped Sita, the wife of Lord Rama. The Yoga in Daily Life Parampara - spiritual lineage - comes directly from the Himalayas, from Lord Shiva. The form of the supreme is the sound - Nada. Out of that comes Jiva Jyoti - the light. Enlightenment means wisdom. Guru Tattva. We adore that light which from the Parampara is coming. We are mistaken through the forms. Physical body is a mortal body. See not the form of the Master; see what is inside and what you got. Swami Jasraj Puri says: The spiritual path looks sometimes so long and difficult and beyond your capability to get trough. But if you don't look to the difficulties it is much easier.

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