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Resonance is everywhere, resonance is life, Adelaide
Jivana Jyoti is the light of our life.
In our heart is a beautiful flame. That is the life light. In the Upanishads it is said: In the heart there is a tiny cave and in this cave is a beautiful blue light. That is yourself. That is your Atman. From that Jiva Jyoti the life began. AUM was the first vibration in the Universe. The form of the Supreme is sound. Nada rupa parabrahma. The form of God is resonance, sound. The sound is nothing else as the supreme and that sound is still resonating in the endless universe. That sound is in our body too. We are travelers. We are on our eternal journey. Swamiji speaks about our destination. We have forgotten for what we came to this world. From where did I come? Where will I go and what is the purpose of my life? Concentrate on the aim of your life. Begin now your spiritual path. This will bring your journey to completeness. Recorded in Adelaide, Australia.