Video details

We are responsible for what will be tomorrow
Recorded on: 13 Jun 2011
Satsang by Swami Yogesh Puriji from Jadan Ashram, India.
The world goes in a strange direction. Why are so many problems in the world? Why is all this happening? We are not the body. We are Atman. We got the body which is filled with our karmas. We can do good things with this body or we can do bad things. It is our choice. It is our choice if we plant a tree or if we cut them. It is our choice which bring us the karmas. The karmas are stored and travelling with us through time and space. What you did yesterday is how you are living today and what you are doing today will show how you will live tomorrow. Avoid kusanga, it means bad society which pulls you down. Develop instead bhakti and get a better knowledge to achieve self-realization