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The purpose of the human life is to know first thyself
When you know thyself then you will know others.
When you know others then you will see thyself in others. The first step in self-realization is that you see yourself in all. We human: the human brain, human intellect, human mind, human emotion, is very complicated. When the human comes to realization then the human remain in oneness. When the human still have no realization and only following the own feelings, own thoughts and own intellectual arguments then that human intellect is in turbulence like a boat on the ocean at the time of the storm or hurricane. When the calmness comes on the same ocean, the sea becomes calm. The consciousness of that person who got the realization of clarity and the clear relation to God is also still like an ocean. It means: on the surface there are the waves but the bottom of the ocean is very calm and beautiful.The thoughts, the actions and acting of a spiritual developed person goes with oneness and not with changing.