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We have every possibility in us
Recorded on: 21 Jun 2011
Jasrajpuriji starts with a Sanskrit Sloka form Kena Upanishad.Tuesday,Mangalvar, is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Hanuman is a symbol for Bhakti, Powers and Strength. We have to acknowledge that every possibility is in us too. There are two ways to approach any Illness. One is to fight against the symptoms, the other method is, to make your body full of health that the disease just has to go out. Promoting health is must sustainable. The same is with disturbances of your mind. One method is to try to stop them, but as more you try as more are coming up. The other one is to fill yourself with positive thoughts, satsang, mantra, prayer, bhajan... The approach of our sadhana is to fill ourselves with good things.