Video details

The aim of the human life (2/3)
Recorded on: 24 Jun 2011
In this world we are a part of the cosmic one.
To get Atman Gyana, to find the inner self and to get self- realization, we need Guru Kripa. The soul is not Atman. The soul is bounded with Karmas. Each and every entity according to their Karmas, they are born on this planet, they come and they go. Everyone who is born has his destiny. On Gurupurnima we are offering our spiritual Sadhana and our Karmas. If we go to the Satsang we learn the wisdom. Through bad society we can destroy our life. A episode of Sukhadev Muni and King Janaka is told.Evening Satsang with Swamiji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.