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Mantra gives us peace
Evening satsang With Swami Jasraj Puri.
Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India The repetition of mantra is a sacred gift which we get from our Guru. When we start on a spiritual path, we feel that we need a space in which to practice. This means for many a room in the house or ashram. Or a peaceful place in the nature. But slowly when we practice more, than the physical space does not matter. We realize that it is more important, that we are in that space. Peace comes from the mantra, its repetition and vibration. If we do not have faith and devotion to our mantra, then we do not give the opportunity that it can work inside of us. We have to cultivate it, otherwise it cannot give fruits. Keeping the balance, the peace in the center, this comes from the mantra and that brings us into the stillness.