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Time Of Shivaratri

Time Of Shivaratri

Recorded on: 21 Feb 2012

Spiritual festivals are not only for one day.

After that particular day, the feeling of that festival remains for a long time in our memory, in our feelings and consciousness. Even when we make the preparations, it has a spiritual effect. Spiritual festivals are important and they renew our memory again. We can do festive ceremonies with oneself too. The atman is the divine self, the soul is the reflection of that atman and is also divine. What we do with our body, our mind, our words, our social position and our karmas, effects our atman, jivatman and the further journey. In Hinduism, we do not pay much attention into the past. What is gone, is gone. Past is past. It is a wasting of the time. Some people would like to know the past life. It is impossible to know it and if you know, what will you do with it? We shall work for our future.

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