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Sudharas Kriya

Sudharas Kriya

Recorded on: 26 Feb 2012

Satsang with Swamiji from Auckland, NZ.

Sudharas kriya is very good as prevention against many illnesses and could be helpful for people which has different health problems. Sudharas kriya influences the gland system to create hormones and strengthens the immune system. It is very pleasant, powerful and it supports the spiritual development. The technique is connected with a kind of diet as well as concentration and practice. For a yogi, the balanced, sattvic and vegetarian diet is important. Many people realized, how helpful the vegetarian diet is for the intellectual and emotional balance of the body and mind. Important is to to clear up our koshas and antakaranas, to purify the inner self.We have to turn our life into positive.

Price: 2.27€
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