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I Am Sat Chit Ananda, I Am Bliss
Satsang from Jadan Ashram.
In every creature is the light of the eternal truth, or Brahman or what we call God. As long as the light is there, everything is alive. The light of the life is illuminating the sun system and comes from an endless source. It is not that light what we see with our physical eyes. When the light goes out of the body or enters into the vegetation, we can't see. It is beyond our indriyas, our ten senses. Gu means darkness and Ru means the light. That light exists as Guru and removes the darkness of the universe. That light is the endless ocean of immortality. The reality of our life is the light, the joy, the love, the happiness. If we got atman gyana, the self realization, we found the joy within and we can give it to the world. Swamiji mentions the four means to liberation, which are taught in the path of gyana yoga.