Video details
Brahma Nistha, Knower Of Brahman
Evening Satsang from Vep.
Sanatana Dharma is known as the living religion. It is the eternal principle. Sanatana means eternal, never beginning nor ending. Dharma means to hold together, to sustain. Sanatana Dharma eternally holds All together. Brahma - Nistha is one who is established in the knowledge of Brahman. He is the knower of Brahman and it is he who can tell us the truth and guide us. It is Gurudev who can teach us something. We are the listeners. Throughout our life we have many teachers. Our first teachers are mother and father and our last teacher is Satgurudev. We have to learn to get that Brahma Vidya, that right knowledge which one can get only due to Satgurudevs kripa, due to his grace and which is considered to be the ultimate teaching revealed to the true student.