Video details

Mauna is Atma Anubhuti Sadhana
Recorded on: 4 Sep 2013
Satsang from Duga Uvala, HR.
Mauna means the observation of silence. In Yoga in Daily Life system we have a meditation technique which is called Self-inquiry meditation. Self-inquiry means two things: how am I and who am I. The Sadhana of Mauna is that technique to know how I am. Mala, Vikshepa and Avarana are obstacles on the spiritual path. Mala means impurities, emotional, mental, physical, social etc. Vikshepa are disturbances resulting from the impurities and Avarana is that curtain we cannot see through. That curtain is the ignorance between our real Self and the ever present, pure consciousness. To keep Mauna, not talking for a period of time during a retreat, is a very powerful tool.