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Mahapralaya May Come

Mahapralaya May Come

Recorded on: 14 Feb 2014

Satsang from Strilky Ashram CZ.

Time makes no differences. We count in years but in reality there is no time. Beyond time and space there is only consciousness. Divine Shiva consciousness. The cycles of time are counted as Yugas. Yuga in Hindu philosophy is the name of an epoch or era within the four age cycles. Life in the universe is created and destroyed. In Hindu mythology Mahapralaya is described as the destruction of all life on earth by the will of the God, for the restart of a new Creation. Coming and going, creating and destroying; it occurred earlier, it is occurring now, and it will occur in the future. After the Mahapralaya comes the emptiness. Then Shiva and Shakti appear. Shiva awakens as consciousness throughout the entire universe and Shakti comes as the positive energy, which we know as good health, happiness, peace, balance, joy, unity, kindness and love.

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