Video details

Do not cause pain for any creature
Recorded on: 16 Feb 2020
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sydney Ashram, Australia.
God can appear in many forms. One creature is killing and eating others. How was creation takes place? There is a balance between conscious and place. Balance is the resoĆ³nance the sound. Life is light. Fire is in the water. Life will eat life. Juman should not eat any creature, Mother gives her life to the child in her milk. We shoukd work with the earth every day. Siva represents balance. Explanation of prayer Sri Guru Atma Paramatma. The Sanskrit language is the mother of all languages. Yoga is much more than asanas and pranayama. The story about a Guru who left his body and a disciple. Experiment with the sound and the moving of the navel and the tongue.