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How can we go towards the Cosmic Self
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
here is no corona decease among Yoga and Daily Life and other yoga practitioners. The result pf yoga õractce is that practitioners became humble peaceful harmonious and relaxed. The better is the grass mat for practising without any cloth on it. Kryja shakti is the power of the breath from Muladhara to Sahasrar. General mantras are also very good. We should understand what is mantra ourselves. Man our mind is very quick and sometimes very active. The mind is always changing. The mind is not dying only the body. Only the river has curve, not the water. If we practice a real mantra given by Gurudev then our mind is directed o the cosmic self. The story about a disciple who got the duty from his Gurudev to clean the clothes.