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We are in a lineage of great saints from the Satya Yuga
Recorded on: 23 Dec 2020
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Alakhpuriji has developed very many great yogis. Devpuriji was a siddha. Our Guru linage is continued with Mahaprabujiand Madhawanandaji. Among Holiguruji's ancestors, there were very great saints. The story about one of Holiguruji's ancestor and a king. Rishi Gargacarja also belongs to Viswaguruji's ancestors. The seed of our peace and harmony is in our heart. Explanation of bajan Ceta ceta aba jiva agyani. When our soul is gone we let everything here. At that time the soul goes alone. Read the book Lila Amrit whenever you can.