Video details

Prana connects us
Recorded on: 9 Jan 2021
Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
We should accept and respect the cultures and religions of other people. Life on the Earth began with Shiva Bhagawan, and he brought the yoga. The story about Swami Dayananda who wore many clothes in him in cold time but not on his face. Practicing pranayam yogis learn how to make warm and cool in their body. We don't respect nature enough. Some are saying that after death better to burn the body so it is easier for the soul to go away. Others are saying that after death the soul is immediately going far away. The story about a bull named Surya Narayan in Jadan. Sometimes there is not attachment but oneness among people. The story about Paramhansa Yogananda and his Guru.