Video details

Clean yourself to become a saint
Recorded on: 16 May 2021
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.
The story about Holigurujis first visit in Europe and how did he get the name Holi Guruji. That time was a communist time in Czechoslovakia and there was an iron curtain in the border. Everyone should be free in every aspect. Yogis should feel friendship and oneness for others. First, w should clean ourselves. Sanyas people also should clean everything. Serve all bhaktas. We need tyaga to become sanyas. The story about Vishwaguruji when he left Holiguruji as a Swami first time. The story about Swami Sivananda and a very learned man. The story bout Acalramji. Bhajan singing.