Video details

Mahaprbhuji's glory is in the whole world
Recorded on: 30 Jul 2021
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
At first, we should give prashad to a temple for saints and then for the Guru and the sadhus. Better to get your food from a 50 km radius circle. The story of a lady who has cooked many times for the Vienna Ashram. Never touch the meal during cooking. Greeting mudra means you and I are in my heart. Holy Guruji could make a new bhajan any time. Explanation of bhajan Prakash Punj Amrita ke Sagar. Mahaprabhuji's blessing and glory is on the whole world. Story of Sri Devpuriji telling Holy Guruji that he gives blessing to Vishwaguruji. We should take little and give more to others. We should visit and help our friends who have health problems.