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Purity is important in every level
Recorded on: 13 Feb 2022
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
There are holy books like Siva Purana or Bhagawad Gita that we should read every day to get knowledge from them. We should be humble to the knowledge. We should feel that knowledge in our bodies and our minds. Female shakti is very pure. Shakti and bhakti can become one. If you have a child you should do seva of him. Never separate from your children and the family. Mother is shakti bhakti adanda and gyana. Father is like Siva. Our kitchen and our bathroom should be always clean. We shouldn't let so much dirt behind us if we leave a hotel or an ashram in the morning. We should keep clean our thoughts without any negative vibration.