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Always be in the present and go to Satsang
Recorded on: 21 Jul 2023
Evening satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
In Strilky Ashram we can completely let go of our problems. A story of a man who began to meditate while he was waiting for his guests. We should be aware of the present moment. In this case, we can realise what is happening around us. Don't be in the past and the future. Satsang helps you know how to solve problems. To change our life, change our thoughts and society. Vishwaguruji's energy can change our thoughts and feelings. Try to keep this energy for some time. Explanation of bhajan Chadarya. We should avoid muddy water as far as possible. Never miss the real satsang. We do karma yoga for ourselves. Always try to remain young in your mind.