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If you have dedication, you get everything

If you have dedication, you get everything

Recorded on: 26 Jun 2024

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Sadhus according to Indian culture have very simple dress. The story of a king who had everything, but he dressed very dimple. There are Siva parampara and Vishnu parampara for the sadhus in India. The tilak on the forehead represents the three Gods and the three gunas. The story of a pandit who was jealous for his college and got a conch from God. The story of Siddharta how to turn towards spirituality and became Buddha. He became a samana monk, not to ask for food. We can learn from Buddha renunciation and not to give up. Another story about Bhagawan Shankaracharya and his disciple Giri.

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