Kundalini and Chakras
0:45 - 2:24 (99 min)
Two satsangs from Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004. The second part includes "The nadis", "The chakras", "The consciousness - Chitta", "The mind - Mana". The first part includes "The 5 Koshas", "The 10 Indrias", "The Mind", "The Nadis".
The completness of our being
2:30 - 3:41 (71 min)
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from London, UK. Are you ready to go to the eternal light and space with the body? We have to understand that our being in this world is complete. Emotions are covering our pure soul, the Atma. We shall understand the karma as well. Karma means action, movement. Space itself is moving, and the energy is moving.
Destiny is very mysterious
3:45 - 4:27 (42 min)
Satsang from Prague, Czech Republic, October 2005
Introduction to the science of Chakras
4:35 - 5:55 (80 min)
Introduction to Chakras, Presov, Slovak Republic. Muladhara stores much karmic information about us. What is dormant in Muladhara is sprouting in Svadisthana. This is the place of kriya shakti and iccha shakti. If we purify this chakra, half way to our final goal is behind us. Manipura is the powerhouse of our body. Anahat is the place of our feelings. Vishuddhi is the door to the astral world.
Practice from Auckland with MM Vivekpuri
6:00 - 7:00 (60 min)
Auckland, New Zealand
The real marriage
7:05 - 7:58 (53 min)
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. We don't know a lot about Sri Alakhpuriji. We know Sri Devpuruji's deeds well. Deva means God. The name reflects the whole life. Spirituality, purity of heart is more important than gold. What does it mean to be human? What did it mean to get married in the old days? Marriage was forever, the husband worked long hours and the wife could stay at home with the child. Young people did not marry before the age of 25. The story of the Indian couple who stayed together for 50 years. Today parents often leave their children.
Live as a Human
8:05 - 8:39 (34 min)
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Gold Coast Ashram, Australia.
Make a path through the forest
8:45 - 9:36 (51 min)
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Nadlac, Romania. Prana is stronger than the physical body. There are always problems in daily life. Partners are together for a period of time then conflicts arise - that is similar to spiritual life. We need a clear path, a sattvic (pure) life, and have to make this path through the forest. Just reading does not help us. We should change ourself inside, otherwise, time is lost. The realisation of Atma Gyana (Self-knowledge) takes more time.
Om Sri Deveshwar Mahadevaya Namaha
9:40 - 10:13 (33 min)
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. Singing Mantras with Swami Avatarpuriji. Sannyasa Suktam. On what the speed of chanting depend?
Culture gives us the human quality
10:20 - 11:07 (47 min)
Morning satsang from Weekend Seminar in Vep, Hungary. Culture has mighty power, like tolerance, forgiveness, respect. These are the blossoms of the cultures of different countries. Where there is a human, there is culture. It helps us to protect our dharma and reach self-realization. The highest dharma is Sanatan Dharma, it is present in all of the cultures.
Each person's body is like the temple of God
11:15 - 12:10 (55 min)
Morning program from Summer Yoga Camp, Strilky, Czech Republic. Lecture by MMS. Phulpuriji. Bhajans written by our Masters of our Parampara show us the way to the Brahmaloka. For us, God is here. Translation of the Bhajan written by one of the great Saints. Introduction of Vishwaguruji's Biography. The book is the Guru itself. Singin a Bhajan. Sort talk by Swami Avatarpuriji from the life of Sri Sankarajaryaji's life and works.
Yoga Is In Our Destiny
12:15 - 13:19 (64 min)
Program with Swamiji in
Vancouver. Practicing yoga
means realizing again the
oneness with God. Yoga is
the path to that oneness. All
individuals have a different
destiny. Our destiny takes
us we don't know where,
but according to our good
or bad karmas, our good or
bad actions. It means simply
- do good get good or do bad
get bad. Through practicing
yoga we get atman gyana,
the realization. The atman
gyani is a person who realized
and overcame the individual
feelings. Removing the duality
between atman and jivatman
means the achievement of
Yoga or unity. Yoga means
not only practicing Asanas.
They are good for our health
but real yoga means the
union with God.
Healing powers within the body
13:25 - 14:18 (53 min)
Satsangs form Perth, Australia in March 2004. Includes "Healing power within the body","Prayer for the day" and "Svadhisthana chakra".
The real yoga nidra
14:25 - 15:28 (63 min)
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. We should practise real yoga nidra but in a sitting position according to Mahaprabhuji's instructions. Singing Yoga nidra bhajan. If we only sleep during yoga nidra we don't get anything. The story of a man who beat the snake with a stick in the sand. Animals also have their path and they follow it. They also have their struggles with each other. Our like is like a thorny bush with sweet fruits in it. What do we choose the ice cream or the stick? Bhajan singing.
Tree planting in Khatu
15:35 - 15:41 (6 min)
His Holiness Vishwaguruji plants a tree in Khatu, Rajasthan, India.
In the dream of awakening
15:45 - 16:56 (71 min)
India, Winter 2004/2005. Report about the winter tour of Swamiji in India.
Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (1/5)
17:00 - 18:47 (107 min)
International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.
We are a part of him
18:50 - 19:41 (51 min)
Lecture from Strilky, Czech Republic
Practical guide to meditation (6/11)
19:45 - 21:00 (75 min)
Webcast of Swamijis lecture about Meditation from Bratislava, Slovakia on 16th February 2009.
Seva And Ahimsa Is Love
21:05 - 21:27 (22 min)
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Seva, selfless service and
ahimsa, the love to all living
beings and plants, is the best
practice to purify all our koshas,
the five coverings of the Atman,
the Self. Karma Yoga is selfless
service and in this, all different
Yogas are included. Seva means
also to protect the nature and
mother Earth. We have to see
what we did with the nature. If
we do not have Bhakti Yoga, the
love to all humans, the love to
all creatures, plants and nature,
we will not protect anything.
First we need to understand.
Only love will take care. Love is
protection. If we are angry, if
we are jealous, if we have
attachment, we do not have
the love.
Bhajan evening in Strilky Ashram
21:30 - 22:16 (46 min)
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Bhajan singing.
Bhajans from Slovenska Vas
22:20 - 23:04 (44 min)
Evening satsang from Slovenska Vas, Slovenia.
Bhajan singing from Vep
23:10 - 23:52 (42 min)
Morning program from Vep, Hungary. Singing bhajans in the presence of Gurudev.