Svadhisthan chakra, Ljubljana
9:10 - 11:04 (114 min)

Public lecture about Svadhisthan chakra in Ljubljana, Slovenija in February 2005.
Protect Nature and be truthful
11:10 - 12:05 (55 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Nadlac, Romania. Slovak folk dance before Vishvaguruji's talk. Nadlac Town Mayor says some welcoming words to Vishwaguruji for his first visit to Romania. All creatures are connected to one God. If you don't believe that you are lost. All creatures feel the same feelings as humans. Don't be the cause of pain to any creature. Animals can make mistakes but we are human. The first god is the mother. Where there is water, there is God. Respect the vegetation and the rain. First happiness is good health. Saints are here for the sake
of all creatures - but you will liberate yourself.
From darkness to light
12:10 - 13:25 (75 min)

Evening satsang with Viswhaguruji from Presov, Slovak Republic. Bhajan singing. Talk about the meaning of the word Guru.
We should not have duality
13:30 - 13:41 (11 min)

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There are many, many Gurus. Gurus and Saints present in every village. Mother and father are parts of God. Sanathana Dharma means living God. All are one, Soul is one.
Be satisfied and content whatever you have
13:45 - 14:58 (73 min)

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. The story of a king who was enjoyed his wordly life but became a sanyas and his mother. Later on he founded a Guru parampara. Another story of a muni who made a very hard tapasya and Kamadev. Another story of Bhagawan Sri Rama, a dog and a beggar.
Divine knowledge
15:05 - 16:55 (110 min)

Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004. Followed by "YIDL Lineage", "Unity in diversity". "Kundalini and Chakras". Finally follows a Lecture about Yoga Nidra followed by Awakening of the Healing powers.
Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (5/5)
17:00 - 18:04 (64 min)

International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.
Evening satsang from Om Ashram (2/2)
18:12 - 19:05 (53 min)

Evening satsang from main tent at Om Ashram, Rajasthan, India. Bhajan singing.
Build your intellect supportive
19:15 - 20:31 (76 min)

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary, February 2001
Make a path through the forest
20:35 - 21:26 (51 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Nadlac, Romania. Prana is stronger than the physical body. There are always problems in daily life. Partners are together for a period of time then conflicts arise - that is similar to spiritual life. We need a clear path, a sattvic (pure) life, and have to make this path through the forest. Just reading does not help us. We should change ourself inside, otherwise, time is lost. The realisation of Atma Gyana (Self-knowledge) takes more time.
Bhajan evening from Strilky Ashram
21:30 - 22:18 (48 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Bhajan singing.
The calling of Sri Alakhpuriji
22:25 - 22:36 (11 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Bhajan Sataguru Alakha Puriji Avo.
Bhajans from Oosterhout
22:40 - 23:45 (65 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Oosterhout, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands.
Bhajans for World Peace (1/3)
23:50 - 1:47 (117 min)

For world peace, first we need to find peace within ourselves. A recording of a live concert for world peace in YIDL center in Villach, Austria. Public concert lasted 6h with uninterrupted Bhajans. The concert was a part of a 24h of Bhajan Anushtana.
Evening satsang from Om Ashram (1/2)
10:25 - 11:04 (39 min)

Evening satsang from main tent at Om Ashram, Rajasthan, India. Bhajan singing.
Maya can destroy everything
11:10 - 11:52 (42 min)

Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. Lobha means greed. It is much easier to walk down than to walk up. We should be satisfied what we have. The story of a mam and the golden egg. We should think of Gurudev every day, not only when we have problems in our life. The strength of greed can be very strong in us. Another story of a very rich man who wanted to have more and more gold. The true story of a young Swami who made seva to Holiguruji.
Practising with Vishwaguruji
12:00 - 12:50 (50 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Rijeka Ashram, Croatia. Concentration on the heart and navel in a standing position. Practising asanas also in a standing position. Practising bhramari pranayama.
Brahma satya jagat mitya
12:55 - 13:22 (27 min)

Satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic in August 2005.
You are Infinite, Pula
13:30 - 15:06 (96 min)

Public Lecture, Pula, Croatia, 2004
Svadhisthan chakra, Ljubljana
15:10 - 17:04 (114 min)

Public lecture about Svadhisthan chakra in Ljubljana, Slovenija in February 2005.
Protect Nature and be truthful
17:10 - 18:05 (55 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Nadlac, Romania. Slovak folk dance before Vishvaguruji's talk. Nadlac Town Mayor says some welcoming words to Vishwaguruji for his first visit to Romania. All creatures are connected to one God. If you don't believe that you are lost. All creatures feel the same feelings as humans. Don't be the cause of pain to any creature. Animals can make mistakes but we are human. The first god is the mother. Where there is water, there is God. Respect the vegetation and the rain. First happiness is good health. Saints are here for the sake
of all creatures - but you will liberate yourself.
From darkness to light
18:10 - 19:25 (75 min)

Evening satsang with Viswhaguruji from Presov, Slovak Republic. Bhajan singing. Talk about the meaning of the word Guru.
We should not have duality
19:30 - 19:41 (11 min)

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There are many, many Gurus. Gurus and Saints present in every village. Mother and father are parts of God. Sanathana Dharma means living God. All are one, Soul is one.
Be satisfied and content whatever you have
19:45 - 20:58 (73 min)

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. The story of a king who was enjoyed his wordly life but became a sanyas and his mother. Later on he founded a Guru parampara. Another story of a muni who made a very hard tapasya and Kamadev. Another story of Bhagawan Sri Rama, a dog and a beggar.
Divine knowledge
21:05 - 22:55 (110 min)

Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004. Followed by "YIDL Lineage", "Unity in diversity". "Kundalini and Chakras". Finally follows a Lecture about Yoga Nidra followed by Awakening of the Healing powers.
Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (5/5)
23:00 - 0:04 (64 min)

International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.
Bhajan Singing from Jadan
10:10 - 11:20 (70 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.
Bhajans with Swami Gajanandji
11:25 - 12:04 (39 min)

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Bhajans from Poprad
12:10 - 12:54 (44 min)

Bhajans from Tatra Hotel, Poprad, Slovakia.
Bandhas, Mudras and Kriyas
13:00 - 13:45 (45 min)

Swamijis lecture from weekend seminar in Vienna, Austria about Bandhas, Mudras and Kriyas recorded on 30th of May 2010.
In the service of Life
13:50 - 14:34 (44 min)

India, Summer 2005. Report about the Swamijis activities.
How did creation begin?
14:40 - 15:26 (46 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. We came to Strilky from different places but we arrived at one place. There are very many things in yoga. We go in every path. To do good things is also yoga. Yoga is also unity with God. Bhagwan Siva came from Parbrahma Paramatma. Siva contains all the five elements and so came yoga. The five elements create life. Every creature has to eat. Life eats the life. Slowly earth came from the ocean. Humans have more and more intelligence. Real humans don't kill each other and animals. Now we eat fruits vegetables. To kill a living life and eat them is a sin. There is dharma and adharma. Buddha was very careful not to kill any creatures. He shared the food that he got with animals also. The story of a princess who was very much devoted to Buddha. Immortal is the name of that person who has very much knowledge.
The first wealth is health
15:30 - 16:19 (49 min)

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary. This lecture explains what is important to our life.The first happiness is a healthy body. Money is also important up to a certain extent, to buy the things that are really needed. Mutual understanding in the household is a great fortune as well.
Evening satsang from Om Ashram (1/2)
16:25 - 17:04 (39 min)

Evening satsang from main tent at Om Ashram, Rajasthan, India. Bhajan singing.
Maya can destroy everything
17:10 - 17:52 (42 min)

Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. Lobha means greed. It is much easier to walk down than to walk up. We should be satisfied what we have. The story of a mam and the golden egg. We should think of Gurudev every day, not only when we have problems in our life. The strength of greed can be very strong in us. Another story of a very rich man who wanted to have more and more gold. The true story of a young Swami who made seva to Holiguruji.
Practising with Vishwaguruji
18:00 - 18:50 (50 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Rijeka Ashram, Croatia. Concentration on the heart and navel in a standing position. Practising asanas also in a standing position. Practising bhramari pranayama.
Brahma satya jagat mitya
18:55 - 19:22 (27 min)

Satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic in August 2005.
You are Infinite, Pula
19:30 - 21:06 (96 min)

Public Lecture, Pula, Croatia, 2004
Svadhisthan chakra, Ljubljana
21:10 - 23:04 (114 min)

Public lecture about Svadhisthan chakra in Ljubljana, Slovenija in February 2005.
Protect Nature and be truthful
23:10 - 0:05 (55 min)

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Nadlac, Romania. Slovak folk dance before Vishvaguruji's talk. Nadlac Town Mayor says some welcoming words to Vishwaguruji for his first visit to Romania. All creatures are connected to one God. If you don't believe that you are lost. All creatures feel the same feelings as humans. Don't be the cause of pain to any creature. Animals can make mistakes but we are human. The first god is the mother. Where there is water, there is God. Respect the vegetation and the rain. First happiness is good health. Saints are here for the sake
of all creatures - but you will liberate yourself.