Regular programs at TV Channel
Yoga Exercises
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 6:00
Structured excercises according to the book: Yoga in Daily Life, by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda

Practicing of the system 'Yoga in Daily Life', Level 1 - Part 2
Practicing of the system "Yoga in Daily Life", Level 1 - Part 3, in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India on 22nd of October 2009.

Practicing of the system 'Yoga in Daily Life', Level 1 - Part 3
Practicing of the system "Yoga in Daily Life", Level 1 - Part 3, in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India on 23rd of October 2009.

Practicing of the system 'Yoga in Daily Life', Level 1 - Part 4
Practicing of the system "Yoga in Daily Life", Level 1 - Part 4, in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India on 23rd of October 2009.

Practicing of the system 'Yoga in Daily Life', Level 1 - Part 5
Practicing of the system "Yoga in Daily Life", Level 1 - Part 5, in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India on 24th of October 2009.
Hatha Yoga Kriyas
Sundays at 8:00
Explaining what is Hatha Yoga, what are Kriyas and demonstrating how to practice.

Hatha Yoga Kriyas (1/3)
Hatha Yoga Kriyas, with Swamiji and Uma Puri, from Strilky Ashram, (CZ) on 14th November 2009.

Hatha Yoga Kriyas (2/3)
Hatha Yoga Kriyas, with Swamiji and Uma Puri, from Strilky Ashram, (CZ) on 14th November 2009.

Hatha Yoga Kriyas (3/3)
Hatha Yoga Kriyas, with Swamiji and Uma Puri, from Strikly Ashram, (CZ) on 15h November 2009.

Program from Dungog - Tratak (15/28)
Swamijis lecture about the Tratak technique from Dungog Australia on 5th of January 2010.
Around the world - Replay
Saturdays at 9:00
Replay of the "around the world" content.

Around The World - Summer Yoga at the Beach, Split, CRO
Summer Yoga at the Beach, Split, Croatia

Around The World - Surya Namaskar at Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, CRO
Surya Namaskar in Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, Croatia
with english subtitles

Around the world - Khatu pranam
The story of Sri Mahaprabhuji and Khatu Pranam exercise. Produced by Sri Devpuriji Ashram in Zagreb, Croatia. Partially subtitled in Engish.

Around the world - Mataji's experiences with Holy Guruji and Swamiji
Mataji sharing her stories of her Guru Holy Guruji and Swamiji, Wellington, New Zealand
Vegetarian cooking lessons
Saturdays at 11:00
Vegeteraian cooking, heatlhy nurishment and enjoying the food.

Vegetarian kitchen in praxis (part 1)
Jaroslav Skvaril, Czech Vegetarian Society. Lecture from Mahaprabhudeep Ashram, Strilky, Czech Republic on 14th of July 2010.

Vegetarian kitchen in praxis (part 2)
Jaroslav Skvaril, Czech Vegetarian Society. Lecture from Mahaprabhudeep Ashram, Strilky, Czech Republic.

Vegetarian kitchen in praxis (part 3)
Jaroslav Skvaril, Czech Vegetarian Society. Lecture from Mahaprabhudeep Ashram, Strilky, Czech Republic.

Vegetarian cooking demonstration -1, Vep
Vegetarian cooking lesson from participants of the Yoga in Daily Life summer seminar in Vep, Hungary 2014
German Sunday
Sundays at 16:00
Lectures by Swamiji in German Language.
Around the world
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 17:00
Contributions of Yoga In Dialy Life Ashrams from around the world. Various languages and various topics.

Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (2/5)
International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.

Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (3/5)
International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.

Around the world - Yoga For Wellness (5/5)
International Conference "Yoga For Welness". Organized by Indian Ministry of Ayush, Government of India in New Delhi, India.
Prime time
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at 19:15
Swamijis lectures with excellent image and audio quality.

In the home of the soul
Summer 2003. in India with presentation of Yoga In Daily Life projects and Swamijis lecture

In the bliss of bhajans
Bhajans from different ashrams in India

Chakras and Kundalini
Public lecture by Swamiji from Zagreb, September 2004

Mahaprabhuji is endless joy
Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary, December 2000
Meditation is the way
Wednesdays at 20:30
A series of lectures about what is meditation and how to mediate including practical guided meditation.

Practical guide to meditation (1/11)
Evening satsang from weekend seminar in Vep, Hungary on 13th February 2009.

Practical guide to meditation (2/11)
Morning satsang from weekend seminar in Vep, Hungary on 14th of February 2009.

Practical guide to meditation (3/11)
Evening satsang from weekend seminar in Vep, Hungary on 14th of February 2009.

Practical guide to meditation (4/11)
Morning satsang from weekend seminar in Vep, Hungary on 15th, Feburary 2009.
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 21:30
All videos containing Bhajans with good audio.

Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji.

Bhajan evening from Vep
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary. Bhajan singing.

Bhajan singing from Vep
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary. Bhajan singing.

Bhajans from Strilky Ashram
Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.