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My salutation to the Lord
0:20 - 0:25 (5 min)
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Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. Bhajan singing.
Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji
0:30 - 1:07 (37 min)
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Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji.
Practicing Asanas 2
6:00 - 7:03 (63 min)
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Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Practicing with M. M. Swami Vivekpuriji. Pavanamuktasan, Vyagrasan, Sasankasan, Virasan, Trikonasan variation, Kandarasan, Viparitakarani mudra, Ushtrasana, Butterfly. Demonstration and explanation of the benefits of the exercise.
Yoga in Daily Life Workshop in Villach on 13th of June
7:10 - 8:48 (98 min)
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Swamijis lecture from the Yoga Workshop in Villach, Austria on 13th June 2010.
The Self and The Soul, Melbourne
8:55 - 10:25 (90 min)
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Sri Ram - Kirtan sung by Ally. Swami Jasraj Puri brings an example: When on the spiritual path arise doubts - hold on, it will calm down. Swami Sannyasanand speaks about Pranayama, Ida and Pingala breathing. Swamiji speaks about Lord Shiva,Yog Shakti, the sound OM and Siddhis - the supernatural powers. Atman is universal, the Self, it is immortal. It is like the space, no one can destroy,fire cannot burn nor dead can effect it. Jivatma is individual,is born,reborn comming and going. It is a bundle of our karmas and there are 4 ways to do karma. Swamiji tells a episode from the Ramayana, about Garuda, the carrier of Lord Vishnu as he lost his bhakti to Lord Rama and he was suffering a lot because of his doubts. We have 9 doors where the soul will go out of the body.We can lead ourselves to the Brahman or we can lead ourselves down, it depends on our individual karma and our practice. Translation of the bhajan: Shivoham Shivoham.
Gurudev sees our past and future
10:30 - 11:46 (76 min)
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Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. Jyotish is essential in the Indian culture. It can help us in many things, but only the Guru can change our destiny. The story of a king and his two sons and Gurudev. Another story happened when a disciple didn't understand and obey Vishwaguruji's note. Avatarpuriji's own story of motorcycle. Vishwaguruji makes his selfless service for us and the whole world. Other story, is how a person gets to that decision to become sanyas.
Be happy be good
11:50 - 12:35 (45 min)
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Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. What we learn from Gurufev that will go inside us and sometimes it comes up again. This knowledge deepens in our mind and heart. Poems dramas and stories help us to deepen what we learned. In meditation, we should go inside by Guru Kripa. We are the light. We should never be afraid. Try to help them who are afraid. Parents are your nearest after brothers and sisters and after friends. The story about a mentally ill person living in a village. Feel good be happy, don't be afraid. Practice and read our books. Try to remove negativity from you
Mental food
12:40 - 14:38 (118 min)
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Swamiji in Sliac, April 2007
Gurudeva hi Kevalam
14:45 - 15:40 (55 min)
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Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic. As we know, things are changing in our lives. What comes shall go. A story of a man, who was a happy person, and used to make others happy. This man time to time went to his Guruji for darshan and advice. Gurudev knows what is going on in our minds. Karma yoga is a help for us. We are all blessed to have Gurudev's guidance. Bansuri flute music. Lecture by Swami Daya Mata, about good and bad things that are transient.
Time and destiny, Melbourne
15:45 - 16:55 (70 min)
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Every saint or holy incarnation has to go through certain experiences in life. Even God has to go through particular situaions. Does God have a destiny? The life of Jesus - he had to go through many hard situations in his life. Was this his destiny or was him given a task to go trough? Swamiji tells episodes from the life of the Sufi master Mansur Al-Hallaj and Hanumanji from the Ramayana. If we have faith - God and we are one - then nothing will happen. When we hold on God's name we will cross the ocean and reach the shore of happiness and peace. Kirtan is the repetition of God's name. The positive vibration will resonance in our whole body and will give positive effects. This will influence our destiny. Guruvakyas, Satsangs, Kirtans and Bhajans are good guidelines in our life. Recorded in Melbourne, Australia.
Around the world - Yoga camp for Kids Strilky
17:00 - 17:04 (4 min)
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Report about Yoga camp for children organized in Strilky in the summer of 2010.
Around the world - Pranayama practice from Mexico City
17:10 - 17:41 (31 min)
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Pranayama practice.
We are full of resonance
17:45 - 18:39 (54 min)
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Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. There are many Gods but finally, there are all one. Our soul is circling in the universe like water in the earth. The story about how can some seeds öf grain remain unbroken. Who is going to the Satsang they can reach the Supreme. Sometimes we see the karma but don't do that. Man saints past away but their name remained with us. Holiguruji was very lovely and strict for those persons who were around him. Holiguruji knew if somebody criticises him the bad karma went to that man. Diving to the ocean we can hear the beautiful sound and we hear this also if we plug our ears. Viswaguruji blows the conch three times for the honour of Holiguruji.
Mind and chakras
18:45 - 19:10 (25 min)
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Lecture from Brisbane, 29th March 2005.
Kundalini yoga science
19:15 - 20:30 (75 min)
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Lecture by Swamiji from Zagreb
Practical guide to meditation (8/11)
20:30 - 22:31 (121 min)
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Webcast of evening satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic.
Bhajan evening from Vep
21:30 - 22:25 (55 min)
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Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary. Bhajan singing.
Bhajan singing from Vep
22:30 - 23:21 (51 min)
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Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary. Bhajan singing.
Bhajans from Strilky Ashram
23:25 - 0:59 (94 min)
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Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

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