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58 results found

Laghu Vishnu Yagya (3/3), Jadan Ashram

Laghu Vishnu Yagya from Jadan Ashram

Laghu Vishnu Yagya (2/3), Jadan Ashram

Laghu Vishnu Yagya from Jadan Ashram.Second part.

Laghu Vishnu Yagya (1/3), Jadan Ashram

Live webcast of Laghu Vishnu Yagya from Jadan Ashram, India.


Lecture from Vienna

Shatsampatti - the 6 inner treasures of Yoga (1/2), Auckland, NZ

Yoga is the tool to help us balancing the outer world with the inner world, to find peace in this troublesome world.Swamiji explains us the four paths of Yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga,Raja Yoga and Gyana Yoga. To proceed on the spiritual path and to come to our goal - to Atma Gyana - the Selfrealisation - … read more »

Around the world - Yagya at Deepak's NZ

Yagya at Indian family.Wellington, New Zealand, December 2010.

Agya Chakra in the theory and practice (2/2)

Morning lecture held by Swamiji, from the weekend seminar in Hamburg, Germany on 6th of June 2010.

Public lecture from Zabgreb, Croatia

Webcast of Swamijis public lecture from Zagreb, Croatia, on the subject "Spiritual awakening - Agya Chakra" on 23rd of September 2009.

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