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The forms of God
0:20 - 0:52 (32 min)
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Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. Don't run after money, try to find God instead. God exists in a formless (Nirakar) and also appears in form (Sakar). The life of Jesus is a good example of the life of a divine incarnation. All divine incarnations suffered a lot and later realised their divinity. Guruji often had sweets in one hand and a stick in the other.
How to practice The System Yoga in Daily Life
1:00 - 2:09 (69 min)
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Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic. You have been practicing many times, many years following Yoga in Daily Life, you now asanas, and the effects. We should not forget the importance of following a system as described in the book. Yoga in Daily Life is a name for a system, but we are not commercial, we are like friends and humble to all other people. You should read the book The Hidden Powers in Humans. Practicing Bari Kathu Pranam
Mental food
2:15 - 4:13 (118 min)
Recorded on
Swamiji in Sliac, April 2007
The Aim of Human Life, Melbourne
4:20 - 5:53 (93 min)
Recorded on
Swamiji introduces MM Swami Jasraj Puri and explaines in great detail what means Mahamandaleshwar and Akkhara. Ashram: A means welcome, Shram means work. Ashram means: Come to work here on your body, mind, consciousness and realisation. Space is the endless glory of God. We don't know where is the beginning or the end. We are limited. The endless space is like a mother, the cosmic consciousness. Between space and consciousness is Yoga shakti. Yoga is balancing, harmonising and uniting. God is manifested in the form of vibration, sound, resonance - OM - Everything comes from that and merges in that. Yogis are meditating on that. The aim of human life is to help, to serve, to support others and selfrealisation. The human life is a precious diamant but we will not get it again and again. Translation of the bhajan: Sadho bhai ab kyu karo the moro. Recorded in Melbourne, Australia.

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