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Weekend seminar from Vienna (1/5)
Webcast of evening satsang from weekend seminar in Vienna, Austria on 5th of June 2009.
Weekend seminar from Strilky (5/5)
Webcast of morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic on 1st of June 2009.
Weekend seminar from Strilky (4/5)
Webcast of evening satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic on 31st of May 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Meditation retreat (4/4)
Morning satsang from yoga seminar in Dungog, Australia on 9th April 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Spirituality in Daily Life (4/4)
Webcast of morning satsang from Sydney, Australia on 5th of April 2009.Swamiji offers the meaning of spirituality as purity - crystal clear purity. This purity refers to our inner Self. Learn how to mitigate the impact of negative thoughts and unwholesome actions with methods that enhance clarity … read more »
Weekend seminar from Strilky (3/5)
Webcast of morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic on May 31st 2009.
Weekend seminar from Strilky (2/5)
Webcast of evening satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic on 30th of May 2009.
Weekend seminar from Strilky (1/5)
Webcast of morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic on 30th of May 2009.
Weekend yoga seminar in Kranj (3/3)
Webcast of morning satsang from weekend yoga seminar in Kranj, Slovenija on 24th of May 2009.
Weekend yoga seminar in Kranj (2/3)
Webcast of evening satsang from weekend yoga seminar in Kranj, Slovenija on 23rd of May 2009.
Weekend yoga seminar in Kranj (1/3)
Morning practice with Swamiji from weekend yoga seminar in Kranj, Slovenija on 23rd of May 2009.
Public lecture in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana
Webcast of Swamijis public lecture from Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana, Slovenija on 22nd of May 2009.
Swamiji plants a peace tree in Maribor, Slovenia
Planting of peace tree in Maribor, Slovenija on 21st of May 2009 in the presence of H.H. Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.
Swamijis satsang from Ashram in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Swamijis evening satsang, form Ljubljana Ashram, Slovenia on 21st of May 2009.
Swamiji plants a peace tree in Linz, Austria
Planting of peace tree in Linz, Austria on 18th of May 2009 in the presence of H.H. Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.
Public lecture in Munich, Germany
Replay of public lecture by Swamiji in Munich, Germany on 14th May 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Finding peace within (7/9)
Webcast of morning lecture from Perth, Australia on 19th of April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 52 Bay View Terrace, Claremont WA 6010.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (6/9)
Webcast of morning lecture from Perth, Australia on 18th of April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 52 Bay View Terrace, Claremont WA 6010.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (5/9)
Webcast of morning satsang from Brisbane, Australia on 12th April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 46 Doggett Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.
World peace tour 2009, Mind, Mantra and Meditation (3/3)
Webcast of morning satsang from Brisbane on 11th of April, Australia at Yoga in Daily Life 46 Doggett Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.The topic is Mind Mantra and Meditation.
World peace tour 2009, Spirituality in Daily Life (2/4)
Morning webcast from Sydney, Australia on 4th April 2009.Swamiji offers the meaning of spirituality as purity - crystal clear purity. This purity refers to our inner Self. Learn how to mitigate the impact of negative thoughts and unwholesome actions with methods that enhance clarity … read more »
World peace tour 2009, Finding peace within (4/9)
Webcast of evening lecture from Perth, Australia on 19th of April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 52 Bay View Terrace, Claremont WA 6010.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (3/9)
Webcast of evening lecture from Perth, Australia on 18th of April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 52 Bay View Terrace, Claremont WA 6010.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (2/9)
Webcast of public lecture from Perth, Australia on 17th April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 52 Bay View Terrace, Claremont WA 6010.
Lila Amrit - Story of birds
Cartoon produced by Jadan ground school (Pali district, Rajasthan, India) based on a story from the book Lila Amrit.
World peace tour 2009, Making Sense of the World: The Logic of Life
Webcast of evening satsang from Melbourne, Australia
World peace tour 2009, Intelligent Emotions - The Art of Wise Decision-Making
First part Dungog Yoga retreat presentation.Second part Public lecture and Meditation from Melbourne, Australia.
World peace tour 2009, Classical Yoga for Modern Times
Webcast of public lecture from Sunshine Coast, Australia on 13th April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life Centre Maroochydore, 80 Sixth Ave, Cotton Tree.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (9/9)
Webcast of evening satsang from Brisbane, Australia on 12th April, 2009 at Yoga in Daily Life, 46 Doggett Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.
World peace tour 2009, Mind, Mantra and Meditation (2/3)
Webcast of evening satsang from Brisbane on 11th of April, Australia at Yoga in Daily Life 46 Doggett Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.The topic is Mind Mantra and Meditation.
World peace tour 2009, Finding Peace Within (8/9)
Evening satsang by Swamiji from Gold Coast, Australia on 10th April 2009, at Mudgeeraba Foundation Centre, 7 School Street, Mudgeeraba,
World peace tour 2009, Meditation retreat (3/4)
Evening satsang from yoga seminar in Dungog, Australia on 9th April 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Meditation retreat (2/4)
Evening satsang from yoga seminar in Dungog, Australia on 8th of April 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Meditation Retreat (1/4)
Evening satsang from yoga seminar in Dungog, Australia on 7th April 2009.
World peace tour 2009, Four Pillars for a Successful Life
Webcast of evening satsang from Australia on 6th of April 2009.Swamiji will elaborate on the observance of ethical principles, the keeping of good company, repetition of mantra and the study of inspiring texts to cultivate a peaceful and positive mind.
World peace tour 2009, Spirituality in Daily Life (3/4)
Webcast of evening satsang from Sydney, Australia on 5th April 2009.Swamiji offers the meaning of spirituality as purity - crystal clear purity. This purity refers to our inner Self. Learn how to mitigate the impact of negative thoughts and unwholesome actions with methods that enhance clarity … read more »
World peace tour 2009, Spirituality in Daily Life (1/4)
Evening webcast from Sydney, Australia on 4th April 2009.Swamiji offers the meaning of spirituality as purity - crystal clear purity. This purity refers to our inner Self. Learn how to mitigate the impact of negative thoughts and unwholesome actions with methods that enhance clarity … read more »
World peace tour 2009, Mind Mantra and Meditation (1/3)
Webcast of evening satsang from Sydney, Australia on 3rd of April 2009.Meditation workshop on the observance of ethical principles and repetition of mantra revealed in the yoga texts as methods to cultivate a peaceful, contented and positive mind.
World peace tour 2009, Finding peace within (1/9)
Webcast of evening satsang from Sydney, Australia on April 1st 2009.Meditation workshop on inner peace and an all important tool in self-investigation and self-knowledge: "Self-inquiry Meditation" a step-by-step meditation technique of Self-Analysis.
World peace tour 2009, New Zealand (4/4)
Webcast of morning Satsang from New Zealand on Sunday, 29th of March 2009.Manipur chakra.
World peace tour 2009, New Zealand (3/4)
Swamijis lecture from New Zealand on evening, 28th of March 2009.
World peace tour, New Zealand (2/4)
Webcast of morning Satsang from New Zealand on 28th of March 2009.
World peace tour, New Zealand (1/4)
Webcast of evening satsang from Raumati Ashram, Wellington, New Zealand on 27th of March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (7/7)
Webcast of Swamijis evening lecture in Vancouver, Canada on 25th March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (6/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's evening lecture and mediation from Vancouver, Canada on 24th March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (5/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's evening lecture in Vancouver, Canada on 23rd March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (4/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's evening lecture in Vancouver, Canada on 22nd March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (3/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's morning lecture in Vancouver, Canada on 22nd March 2009.
World peace tour , Vancouver, CA (2/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's evening lecture in Vancouver, Canada on 21st March 2009.
World peace tour, Vancouver, CA (1/7)
Webcast of Swamiji's public lecture in Vancouver, Canada.