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The infinite love and blessing of Vishwaguruji
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Slovenska Vas, Slovenija.Mahaprabhuji is residing in everones body. Everyone should be happy. Gurudev is the highest. God gave you all the knowledge. You are all very good. You all are mine. I gave you everything.
Organic farming in Netherlands
From Dongen, Oosterhuot, The Netherland.A report about organic farming in the Netherland.
The Guru can change our destiny
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.What is in our destiny, will happen. The story of a Guru who somehow changed the destiny of his disciples, although it was written by Vidata. In Swamiji's mind, all people are equal. When we are … read more »
How to train our mind?
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Our mind is very restless. A story of a man how he could train the king's horse. We should train our mind towards Guru bhakti. Canting mantras.
Listen to only ourselves and our Gurudev
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Our holiday with Vishwaguruji and with satsangs and meditation are very different from the holiday of other people. The strength in the Kali Yuga is in unity. Be without fear, feeling inner joy. The story of … read more »
Be careful with the self-made Gurus
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.In this Kali Yuga it is very important to find a real Guru. The sign of a real Guru bhakti is simplicity. The story of Surdas who was follower of Lord Krishna and a cat. Panch … read more »
Be satisfied and content whatever you have
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The story of a king who was enjoyed his wordly life but became a sanyas and his mother. Later on he founded a Guru parampara. Another story of a muni who made a very hard tapasya … read more »
Bhajan evening in Strilky Ashram
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
If you have dedication, you get everything
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Sadhus according to Indian culture have very simple dress. The story of a king who had everything, but he dressed very dimple. There are Siva parampara and Vishnu parampara for the sadhus in India. The tilak … read more »
Be in the present and trust on your Guru
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Kama krodha lobha moha ahamkara are our enemies. We should know our roots from where we started. The intensity of our destiny is in the hands of Gurudev. We should go without any expectation to Guudev. … read more »
Kirtan singing from Strilky
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Sri Ram Jay Ram kirtan singing by Swami Madhuram.
Om Sri Deveshwar Mahadevaya Namaha
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Singing Mantras with Swami Avatarpuriji. Sannyasa Suktam. On what the speed of chanting depend?
The bansuri flute
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Swami Madhuram introduces the bansuri flute, and how to play ragas on it. The story about the border between devotion and fanatism. Swami Madhhuram plays on bansuri.
Bhajans singing from Strilky
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Manva dhire dhire, Moye lagi.
Gurudev sees our past and future
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Jyotish is essential in the Indian culture. It can help us in many things, but only the Guru can change our destiny. The story of a king and his two sons and Gurudev. Another story happened … read more »
My salutation to the Lord
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing.
Jaya Sri Maheshwarananda Maharaj!
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Singing bhajans.
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.
Waiting for Gurudev
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Practicing Sannyasa Sukhta. We sing this mantra while waiting for Gurudev to come. Only renunciation leads us to immortality.
Go to satsang
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Yamuna. Explanation of why we have to go to satsang.
Be positive
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Find your own mistakes first instead of finding bad points in others. Swami Avatarpuriji tells stories about the positive and negative side of things. Mantras and Yoga Nidra.
Bhajan evening from Strilky
Evening satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat in Strilky, Czech Republic.Singing bhajan Sri Puja Deepa Dayalu Data, Sataguru Alakhpuriji Avo, Kya Tuma Jano Hala Hamara, Tera Sataguru Rakho Laj, Bhajo Re Manva
The form of God is the vibration
Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat in Strilky, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Gajanandji about Om. Om is that on which yogis meditate all the time. Om is the original mantra, every other mantras should contain the Om. Chanting Om all together, and a short meditation … read more »
Identification with the name
Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat in Strilky, Czech Republic.Introduction of the Vishwaguruji's autobiography. Bhajan singing with swami Gajanandji. Lecture by Swami Gajanandji. A story of the two aspirants who got a seed from the Master to preserve it. Explanation of how Swamiji gives spiritual … read more »
Aba Tuma Daya Karo Gurudevaji
Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat in Strilky, Czech Republic.Translation and explanation of bhajan Aba Tuma Daya Karo Gurudevaji.
We are in a blessed place
Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Singing bhajans. Vishwaguruji tells a story about a huge satsang organized by Holy Guruji. Many people came there, including one Sadhu. Vishwaguruji showed the place in the ashram, where Holy Guruji was sitting. When we come … read more »
Death is a transition
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Avatarpuriji. Once we realize that death is basically a transition from this body to a higher place it is not scary. Who comes will go, that the universal law. A story about king … read more »
Maya can destroy everything
Morning satsang from Summer Yoga Retreat from Strilky, Czech Republic.Lobha means greed. It is much easier to walk down than to walk up. We should be satisfied what we have. The story of a mam and the golden egg. We should think of Gurudev every … read more »
Follow the path of Bhakti
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Avatarpuriji. You can't run away from Maya. The story of a sadhu who was living in the Himalayas. Only by following the right path and Gurudev we can cross the ocean of ignorance. … read more »
Ab Sop Diya Is Jivan Ka
Evening satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing fron Strilky. Ab Sop Diya, Aba Hama
Dhyan Karo
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing from Strilky, including Dhyan Karo and Kyu Rakhte Ho Parada Ham Se
The essence is always the same
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Lecture by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vivekpuriji. All the time we change. In yoga, it is essential to understand the time and place and act accordingly. But the essence is always pure yoga. Swami Anandi's lecture about the … read more »
Tvameva Mata Ca Pita Tvameva
Morning satsang with Viswhaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing from Strilky. Including He Nata Aba To, Itna to Karana Guruji
Morning practice from Strilky
Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Morning practice from Strilky in the presence of Vishwaguruji, led by M. M. Swami Vivekpuriji.
Practising Asanas
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practising asanas with Vishwaguruji and M.M. Swami Vivekpuriji. Streching in standing position, manduki asana.
Morning practice from Strilky with relaxation
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practicig Sarva Hita asanas with MM. Swami Vivekpuriji. Including Marjari. Practicing Utthita Lolasan and Hasta Padangustasan from the second level. Vishwguruji gives instruction how to practice yoga.
The Guru's name is a priceless diamond
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing from Strilky. Including bhajan "Ho Guru Sukha Dama Swami"
The value of Gurudev
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Avatarpuriji. Every country has a symbol. India is the source of spirituality. Hanuamnji is a great example for everyone. Even the wind that flows from Ayodhya transfers the blessing of Lord Rama. If … read more »
Gurudev stands in the focus of our life
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Lecture by Swami Avatarpuriji. All yoga paths lead to the same path. The ego is within all of us. When ego reduces, spirituality grows. We should make the effort and remain focused even if our life … read more »
Be the tool
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky, Czech Republic.Chanting and translating Guru Paduka Strotram. Lecture by MMS. Swami Vivekpuriji. It is a story about the dog who stopped to hold the chariot. The story of Hanumanji from Ramajana. The hammer is happy when somebody … read more »
Guru bhakta jagata me na rahe
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing on satsang, including bahajan Guru bhakta jagata me na rahe, Prema ka pyala Hari
Pyare darashana diyo aj
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing.
Always keep the distance
Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vivekpuriji is giving a lecture on why it is important to keep distance between yoga teacher and students. It depends on your thoughts if you are living in kaliyuga or in satyajuga. Swami Avatapuriji … read more »
Dharma and Satsang
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Swami Avatarpuri is speaking about the dharma. How do we know our dharma? We all came for a certain reason to this planet. Sometimes it seems that others' work would be easier. We always try to … read more »
Yuga Yuga Jivo Maheshwarananda
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing on Gurupurnima satsang.
Salutation to the Guru's lotus feet
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Salutation to the Guru's lotus feet. A short ceremony on the occasion of Gurupurnima.
Satsang and Kusang
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Swami Avatarpuriji's lecture about satsang and kusang. A story about the effect of a good or bad company on us. Humans are at the highest position in the chain of beings, we can decide what is … read more »
How mind-body exercise improves cognitive function
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Lecture by Narshing about a scientific review on the connection between aging and yoga practising.
As you do, you will get
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The connection between the bhastrika pranayam and eating. The way how the goat can destroy the knife. Many things we should learn for many many lives. Just be focused, go deeper, and don't leave the path. … read more »
How does Guru teach us?
Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Small talks on the topic of how Guru is teaching us The story of a disciple who went to the meeting to see people, but he saw only humans with animal qualities. The story about a … read more »