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Gurudev fulfills positive sankalpas of bhaktas
Satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic, March 2005
Purity in daily life
Satsang recorded in March 2004 in Perth Australia.
Spirituality in daily life
Satsang from Perth, Australia in March 2004.
Healing powers within the body
Satsangs form Perth, Australia in March 2004.Includes "Healing power within the body","Prayer for the day" and "Svadhisthana chakra".
The hidden powers in humans - Nadis (1/2)
Sunshine Coast, Australia, April 2005
Meditation is the way (1/2)
Meditation is the blessing of Lord Shiva.Part one Satsang from Sydney, Australia in March 2004.
Meditation is the way (2/2)
Your true nature is the cosmic Self.Satsang from Sydney in March 2004.
Satsang from Brisbane, Australia, March 2004
Giving will open your blocks
Satsang from Kranj, Slovenija
Svadhisthan chakra, Ljubljana
Public lecture about Svadhisthan chakra in Ljubljana, Slovenija in February 2005.
Kundalini, prana, nadis and chakras
Two satsangs from Perth, Australia, March 2004 (kundalini, prana, nadis and chakras).
Yoga in Daily Life Lineage
The guru lineage of Yoga in Daily Life.Presentation of YIDL.
Unity in Diversity
Introduction to the work of Yoga In Daily Life.
Chakras and Kundalini
Excerpts from the book, the Hidden Power in Humans.
Kundalini and Chakras
Two satsangs from Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004.The second part includes "The nadis", "The chakras", "The consciousness - Chitta", "The mind - Mana". The first part includes "The 5 Koshas", "The 10 Indrias", "The Mind", "The Nadis".
Guruji in India in the 1990's
Sri Madhavananda in India in the 1990's (meditating, singing bhajans and talking about spirituality).
Anahat Chakra
Public lecture about Anahat chakra in Zagreb Croatia in April 2007.
Traveling with Swamiji (5/5)
Indian temples and ashrams.
Traveling with Swamiji (4/5)
Getting ready for Kumbha mela 2007 in Illahabad.The greatest spiritual festival.
The truth is beauty
Satsang from Kranj, Slovenija, February 2005
Kundalini and destiny
Satsang from Kranj, Slovenija in February 2005.
Practice faithfully
Satsang, Vep, Hungary, February 2005. … read more »
Different categories of chakras
Satsang about chakras from Umag, Croatia in September 2004.
Traveling with Swamiji (3/5)
On a visit to some very special horses in India.
Traveling with Swamiji (2/5)
Swamiji visits Croatia for 6 days in May 2006.
Traveling with Swamiji (1/5)
Second International conference of ancient traditions and cultures.Organized by Indian government and with participants from 40 countries.
Vedic Marriage
Videos from the Vedic Marriage by two young Europeans who decided to get married by the rules of the Vedic tradition
Satsang in Jadan
Lecture about Koshas.Jadan 2008.
Satsang in Jadan
Lecture about Koshas.Jadan 2008.
Bhajan singing on Mahasamadhi satsang
Bhajan recorded on the occasion of anniversary of Mahaprabhu Deep's Mahasamadhi
Kundalini and chakras (2/2)
Satsangs from Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004.Includes "The nadis", "The chakras", "The consciousness - Chitta", "The mind - Mana". The satsangs are preceded with Unity in diversity and Chakras and Kundalini.
You are Infinite, Pula
Public Lecture, Pula, Croatia, 2004
Divine knowledge
Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004.Followed by "YIDL Lineage", "Unity in diversity". "Kundalini and Chakras". Finally follows a Lecture about Yoga Nidra followed by Awakening of the Healing powers.
Kundalini and chakras
Two satsangs from Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2004.Both satsangs are preceded with Unity in diversity and Kundalini and Chakras. The second part includes "The nadis", "The chakras", "The consciousness - Chitta", "The mind - Mana". The first part includes "The 5 Koshas", "The … read more »
Development of consciousness
"Unity in diversity", "Kundalini and Chakras", followed by bhajan: "Guru Sa Bina, Karaja Nay Sare", followed by "Development of consciousness" from Melbourne, Australia, March 2004 in two parts.
World Peace Summit, Bratislava
The World Peace Summit held in Bratislava in 2007.The Summit was organized by Sri Madhavananda World Peace Council.
Lecture followed by guided meditation
Satsang from Australia in March 2005 with guided meditation.
Yoga is a science
Australia, March 2005.Satsang.
The modern technology is already in the Vedas
Australia, March 2005.Satsang.
Gurudev can make the impossible possible
Satsang from March 2005 in Australia
The living heart of God
In Memory of His Holines Hindu Dharmasamrat Paramhansa Swami Madhavananda Puri.
In the service of Life
India, Summer 2005.Report about the Swamijis activities.
The Glory of Gurudeva's Name
Satsang lecture recorded in Bari Khatu Ashram, India about the value of the Guru and his name.The satsang is given by Hindu Dharmasamrat Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puriji Maharaj.