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Day of Non-Violence for World Peace - Umag, Croatia
Day of Non-Violence for World Peace - Umag, Croatia.Thoughts and dialogue about world peace
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (8/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia
Satsang from Sunshine Coast, Australia
Satsang by Swami Jasrajpuri from Sunshine Coast, Australia
Satsang from Sydney, Australia
Satsang from Sydney, Australia with Swami Jasrajpuri
Swamijis morning Satsang from Umag, Croatia, 1st of October
Swamijis morning Satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 1st of October
Speech from Brisbane, Australia
Speech by Swami Jasrajpuri, Australia Pacific Earth Charter plus 10 Festival. … read more »
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (7/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 1st of October
Satsang from Brisbane, Australia
Satsang from Brisbane, Australia from 17th of September 2010.Need EDITING !!!!!
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia, on 30th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice from Umag, Croatia
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia.
Swamijis morning Satsang from Umag, Croatia
Swamijis morning Satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (6/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 30th of September
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia on 29th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia on 29th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 29th of September 2010
Yoga for children Umag, Croatia
Yoga practice for children from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia.
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (5/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 29th of September 2010.
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia on 28th of September 2010.
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia on 28th of September 2010
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 28th of September 2010.
Morning satsang from Umag, Croatia
Morning satsangs from Umag, Croatia on 28th of September 2010.
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (4/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on 28th of September 2010.
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia, on the 27th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia, 27th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 27th of September 2010
Swamijis morning Satsang from Umag, Croatia, 27th of September
Swamijis morning satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 27th of September
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (3/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia, on the 27 of September
Evening satsang from Umag, Croatia
Evening satsang from international yoga retreat, Umag, Croatia, on the 26th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia, 26th of september
Afternoon Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia, on the 26th of September
Swamijis morning Satsang from Umag, Croatia, 26th of September
Swamijis morning satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 26th of September
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (2/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 26th of September
Swamijis evening satsang, Umag, 25th of September
Swamijis evening satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 25th of September
Afternoon Yoga practice, Umag, 25th of September
Afternoon practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 25th of September 2010
Swamijis morning Satsang from Umag, Croatia
Swamijis morning satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 25th of September
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (1/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia on the 25th of September 2010
Opening Satsang from Umag, CRO
Swamiji's opening of the International Yoga retreat in Umag 2010
Prayer for world peace on world peace day in Vienna
Prayer for world peace on 21st of September 2010 in Vienna.
Swamijis public lecture in Krems, Austria, 15th of September
Swamijis public lecture in Krems, Austria - The hidden Powers in Human, on 15th of September, 2010
Swamijis morning lecture from Swechat, Austria, 12th of September
Morning meditation and practice with Swamiji from Swechat, Austria on the 12th of September.
Swamijis Satsang from Swechat, Austria
Swamijis Satsang from Swechat, Austria, on the 11th of September
Satsang by Swami Jasrajpuri
Satsang by Swami Jasrajpuri, on the 11th of September
Lecture by Swami Jasrajpuri, Australia
Lecture by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasrajpuri, Annual Australian Yoga in Daily Life Conference 11th of September 2010
Swamijis public lecture from Schwechat, Austria, 10th of September
Swamijis public lecture from Schwechat, Austria,
Swamijis evening workshop in Edinburgh
Swamijis evening workshop at Quaker Meeting House in Edinburgh, UK
Planting of peace tree in Birmingham, 6th of September 2010
Planting of peace tree in Birmingham, 6th of September 2010
Swamijis morning workshop in Edinburgh
Swamijis morning workshop in Edinburgh Ashram, UK on 8th of September 2010.
Swamijis public lecture in Edinburgh
Swamijis public lecture at Quaker Meeting House in Edinburgh on 7th of September 2010.
Swamijis morning workshop in Birmingham Ashram, 6th of September 2010
Swamijis morning workshop in Birmingham Ashram, UK on 6th of September 2010.
Swamijis evening Satsang, Birmingham, UK
Swamijis evening Satsang in Birmingham Ashram, UK on 5th of September 2010.
Swamijis morning lecture, London, 5th of September
Swamijis morning lecture at Parliament Hill School, London, UK.5th of September
Swamijis evening lecture, London, 4th of September
Swamijis evening lecture at Parliament Hill School, London, UK, 4th of September