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Evening Satsang, Jadan, India (1/2)
Swamijis evening Satsang from OM Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwarananda Ashram Education and Research Centre Jadan, Distr.Pali, Rajasthan , India
Swamijis evening Satsang, Jadan, India
Swamijis evening Satsang from OM Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwarananda Ashram Education and Research Centre Jadan, Distr.Pali, Rajasthan , India on 28th of February 2010.
Mahamandaleshwar Inauguration of Swami Jasraj Puriji
On 17th Feb 2010 Shree Panchayati Akhara Mahanirvani bestowed the title of Mahamandaleshwar on Vishwa Guru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranand Puriji Maharaj's shishya, Swami Jasraj Puri.
Welcoming the new Mahamandaleshwar
Welcoming the new Mahamandaleshwar Sri Swami Jasraj Puri Ji in Jadan Ashram on 22nd of February 2010.
Building of the camp at Kumbha Mela 2010
It is one of the miracles and great experiences of Kumbh Mela to see the transformation that comes over the Mela area in the weeks before the start of the Kumbh.On the 21st of January, barely 10 days before the start of the Kumbh, the area on which now stands a tent city accomodating millions of people was nothing but some beautiful empty fields spreading out … read more »
Surrender you ego
Webcast of Swamijis satsang from Dungog Australia, held on 11.01.2010 (25/28)
Satsang from Sydney, Australia (27/28)
Evening satsang from Sydney, Annandale-Ashram in Australia on 11th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (25/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 10th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (26/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 10th of January 2010.
Live webcast of Asanas, from Dungog, Australia
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 9th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (24/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 9th of January 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (13/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 9th of January 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (12/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 8th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (23/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 8th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (22/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 8th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (21/28)
Evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar.Swamiji talks about tapas and protections from them. Towards the end of the satsang Swamiji talks about Gururjis devotion to Mahaprabuji.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (20/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 7th of January 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (11/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 6th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog - Nada Yoga, Australia (14/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 6th of January 2010.
Program from Dungog - Tratak (15/28)
Swamijis lecture about the Tratak technique from Dungog Australia on 5th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog - Nada Yoga, Australia (13/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 6th of January 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (10/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 5th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog - Tratak, Australia (19/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 5th of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (18/28)
Webcast of morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 5th January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (17/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 4th of January 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (7/15)
Asanas program from Yoga Summer Seminar in Dungog, Australia on January 3rd 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (5/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life on 2nd of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia(16/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 2nd of January 2010.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (12/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia recorded on January 1st 2010.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (4/15)
Webcast of guided practice of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life recorded on December 31st 2009.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (10/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (9/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 31st of December 2009.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (3/15)
Webcast of guided practicing of Asanas from Dungog, Australia, according to the system Yoga in daily life recorded on 28th of December 2009.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (8/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 26th of December 2009.
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia (2/15)
Webcast of asanas from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 26th of December 2009.
Asanas program from Dungog, Asutralia (1/15)
Asanas program from Dungog, Australia recorded on 25th of December 2009.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (7/28)
Webcast of Swamijis morning satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 25th of December 2009.
Christmas satsang from Dungog, Australia (6/28)
Swamijis Crhistmas satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia .
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (5/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening satsang from Yoga Summer Seminar from Dungog, Australia on 23rd of December 2009.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (4/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening lecture from yoga summer seminar in Australia on 22nd December 2009.
Webcast from Dungog, Australia (3/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening lecture from yoga summer seminar in Australia on 21st of December 2009.
Webcast with Sadhvi Shanti
Sadhvi Shanti, speaks about the Hospital Project in Jadan and about her journey in September 2009 to Sri Devpurijis cave and the presence of Sri Akakhpuriji in the Himalaya.
Webcast from Blue Mountains, Australia (2/28)
Webcast of Swamijis evening lecture from yoga summer seminar in Australia on 20th of December 2009.
Satsang at Wellington ashram (4/4)
Webcast of Satsang with Swamiji from Wellington Ashram in New Zealand.
Satsang at Raumati ashram (3/4)
Webcast of Satsang with Swamiji from Raumati Ashram in New Zealand
Satsang at Wellington ashram (2/4)
Webcast of Satsang with Swamiji from Wellington Ashram in New Zealand recorded on 13th of December 2009.
Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi Satsang, Khatu
Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi Satsang held in Khatu, Rajasthan, India.
Planting of peace tree in Vienna
Peace tree was planted in Vienna city park on 18th of November 2009.
Webcast from Vep (HU) (4/4)
Webcast of Swamijis weekend seminar from Vep, Hungary on 22nd of November 2009.
Webcast from Vep (HU) (1/4)
Webcast of Swamijis evening Satsang from Vep, Hungary on 20th November 2009.