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Visit to Gaguda Gaushala
Visit to our Gaguda Gaushala in Rajasthan, India which cares for many old, homeless and sick animals.It provides humane veterinary care for few hundreds of old, homeless and sick animals.
Swamijis visit and Satsang to the village Savrad
Swamijis visit and Satsang to the village Savrad, Rajhastan, India, on 26.12.2010.
Mahaprabhujis Mahasamadhi Satsang celebrations, from Jadan Ashram, India 3/3
Satsang celebrations from Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram in Jadan, India, for the 47th anniversary of the Mahasamadhi of Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji, according to the Indian lunar calendar.Part three: Bhajans, dancing, greetings, being with Gurudev
Mahaprabhujis Mahasamadhi Satsang celebrations, from Jadan Ashram, India 2/3
Satsang celebrations from Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram in Jadan, India, for the 47th anniversary of the Mahasamadhi of Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji, according to the Indian lunar calendar.Part two: Bhajans
Mahaprabhujis Mahasamadhi Satsang celebrations, from Jadan Ashram, India 1/3
Satsang celebrations from Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwaranand Ashram in Jadan, India, for the 47th anniversary of the Mahasamadhi of Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji, according to the Indian lunar calendar.Part one: Opening prayer, talks, greetings His Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda, Swamiji, celebrated this auspicious occasion with thousands of Mahaprabhujis bhaktas from across Rajasthan, throughout India, and around the world.
Christmas Satsang with Swamiji, Vienna, Austria
Christmas Satsang with Swamiji, Vienna, Austria.
Swamijis public lecture in Salzburg, Austria
Swamijis lecture in Salzburg, Austria.
Swamijis public lecture in Linz, Austria
Swamijis public lecture in Linz, Austria with the subject Harmony for the body, mind and soul - ancient wisdom for the modern times. … read more »
Swamijis public lecture in St. Poelten, Austria
Swamijis public lecture in St.Poelten, Austria with the subject Healthy Life, trough Yoga in Daily Life.
Book presentation
Presentation of book "Yoga against back pain" from Vienna, Austria
Swamijis closing Satsang from Vep, Hungary
Swamijis closing Satsang from Vep, Hungary.
Swamijis evening Satsang from Vep, Hungary
Evening Satsang from Vep, Hungary.
Swamijis morning Satsang from Vep, Hungary
Swamijis morning Satsang from Vep, Hungary.
Swamijis opening Satsang in Vep, Hungary
Swamijis opening Satsang of the Yoga weekend seminar in Vep, Hungary.
Swamijis morning Satsang in Prague, Czech Republik
Swamijis morning Satsang, in Prague, Czech Republic.
Youth and Ethic Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Youth and Ethic Education, Prague, Czech Republic.Presentations by experts and from children.
Youth and Ethic Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Youth and Ethic Education, Prague, Czech Republic.Introduction. Ethical values - What are they? Initial thoughts
Youth and Ethic Education, Prague, Czech Republic
Youth and Ethic Education, a one day dialog in Prague, Czech Republic.Official opening of the conference. Concert of Colors
Swamijis lecture from Mahasamadhi celebrations
Lecture from Jadan, India.
Swamijis lecture about Mahaprabhuji
Khatu the holy place
Public lecture from Langenzersdorf, Austria
Public yoga lecture and exercises led by Swamiji from Langenzersdorf in Austria.
Holy Guruji's life with Bhagwan Sri Mahaprabhuji, USA
Satsang from Alexandria USA, on the occasion of Guruji's birthday.
Swamijis Public Lecture from Novi Sad, Serbia
Swamijis Public Lecture in Srpsko Narodno Pozoriste in Novi Sad, Serbia
Swamijis closing Lecture in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis closing Lecture of the international Yoga Seminar held in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis Morning Lecture, Belgrade, Serbia
Morning Lecture from Yoga Seminar in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis evening Satsang, Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis evening Satsang in Yoga Seminar held in Belgrade, Serbia
Opening of the Yoga Weekend Seminar in Belgrade, Serbia
Opening of the Yoga Weekend Seminar in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis Public Lecture in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis Public Lecture in Dom Sindikata in Belgrade, Serbia
Swamijis diwali message in Hindi
Swamijis diwali message in Hindi from Jadan, Rajasthan, India, 2010
Swamijis Diwali message
Swamijis Diwali message from Jadan, Rajasthan, India, 2010
Swamijis morning lecture from Warsaw, Poland (4/4)
Swamijis morning lecture from Warsaw, Poland
Swamijis evening Satsang from Warsaw, Poland (3/4)
Swamijis Satsang from Warsaw, Poland
Swamijis afternoon lecture from Warsaw, Poland (2/4)
Swamijis afternoon lecture from Warsaw, Poland
Swamijis morning lecture from Warsaw, Poland (1/4)
Swamijis morning lecture from Warsaw, Poland
Swamiji visits High Tatras
Swamiji visits High Tatras in Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Warsaw, Poland.
Swamijis public lecture in Warsaw, Poland on the subject: Hidden powers in human - Kundalini and Chakras
Swamijis public lecture in Poprad, Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Poprad, Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia
Humenne-Planting of Peace Tree
Planting of Peace tree in Humenne, Slovak Republic and Swamiji visit to the mayor of the city Humenne
Swamijis public lecture in Kosice, Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Kosice, Slovakia
Swamijis morning lecture from Humenne, Slovakia
Swamijis morning lecture from Humenne, SK
Swamijis public lecture in Humenne, Slovakia
Swamijis public lecture in Humenne, Slovakia
Swamijis morning lecture from Humenne, SK
Swamijis morning lecture from Humenne, SK
Swamijis evening Satsang form Humenne, SK
Opening Satsang of H.H. Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranandji from Humenne, Slovakia
World Peace Tree planting, Umag, Croatia
Planting of peace tree in Umag, Croatia
World Peace Prayer in Umag
Peace prayer in Umag The one-day-event "Day of Non-Violence for World Peace" that took place on Saturday, October the 2nd on the UN International Day of Peace was the highlight of the yoga retreat organized from … read more »
Closing satsang from Umag, Croatia
Closing satsang from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia
Morning Yoga practice, Umag, Croatia (9/9)
Morning Yoga practice from the international Yoga retreat Umag, Croatia
World peace and present situation - summit
Lecture - World peace and present situation - by His Holiness Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda and other honorable guests
Planting of peace tree, Umag, Croatia
Planting of peace tree in Umag, Croatia on 2nd of October