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Organic farming in Netherlands

From Dongen, Oosterhuot, The Netherland.A report about organic farming in the Netherland.
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Practice with Vishwaguruji

Morning satsang from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Navel is the centre of our body

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Temple can make by humans as some kind of building and a temple can make by God as a human body. We should take care of God's temple because God is there. We have got some … read more »

Omkar Mantra Ka Bhajan

OM is the divine name.OM is God. It is the light. It is the life. It is the beginning, the middle and the end. It is the trinity in one. Singing OM purifies the atmosphere. It illuminates your inner space. … read more »

The sounds of AUM and RAM

Morning Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Nadlac, Romania.Pranas are connecting to our body with the resonance of sounds. AUM is expanding and RAM is contracting. By chanting AUM we are awakening the kundalini shakti from the navel to the heart and from the … read more »

What is a kriya?

Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains the meaning of the “kriya” and explains the connection between the hatha yoga, prana and kriya. Chandra nadi (ida) is connected to the left nostril, surya nadi (pingala) is connected to the right nostril. … read more »

The Keyword Is The Blessing

The layers of our body are connecting us with the outer world.We are influenced by our nourishment and environment. The Jivatman is very happy if everything is purified and clean. Yogic practices are influencing our five koshas very much. There are more techniques in Yoga in Daily … read more »

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