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The real marriage

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.We don't know a lot about Sri Alakhpuriji. We know Sri Devpuruji's deeds well. Deva means God. The name reflects the whole life. Spirituality, purity of heart is more important than gold. What does it mean … read more »

Love is unity

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.We usually think and speak negatively. Sannyasi gives everything, helps where needed. This is the real practice. Many of you came from very far away, what brought you here? Love. And what is love? Oneness. These … read more »

Practise and think positive

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vienna, Austria.Some creatures are living in the water on the earth and in the air. Human is another category who can go to the haven or the hell. If we criticize someone it means we are not … read more »

Practising Bari Khatu Pranam

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.ractising Bari Khatu Pranam and pranayama and concentration.

Do good things and be happy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing. Bhajans are one of the best things in the world. When we sing good words come from our hearts and make other people happy. Sometimes people are happy also when they do bad things. … read more »

Practising with Vishwaguruji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practisin Bari Khatu Pranam, relaxation and pranayama.

Respect the life of other creatures

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Salzburg, Austria.Sat means true sanga means to be together. When we are in a Satsang God is with us. At that time everybody is in one boat not only humans. Love respect and protect everyone. respect the … read more »

Whatever is happening but we are yogis

Morning program from Strilky Summer Seminar, Czech Republic.Many people have been with Vishwaguruji from a young age for many years. Now there are young and old people also among the disciples. We came here from different places and from different life situations. During … read more »

Om namo Sri Prabhu Deep Narayanam

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Many saint people in the world are very faithful to God. In our hearts we are silent. AUM means Brahma Visnu and Siva. We should be peaceful in our minds. We are yogis because we have … read more »

Bhajan singing in the presence of Vishwaguruji

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Feel your heart and be merciful for all

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Stirlky Ashram, Czech Republic, Yoga was given to humans by Siva.He created asanas by observing the movements of the animals. All living beings are the creatures of God. Like humans with different colours of their skin are all one. The story of a rakshasa who wants … read more »

Celebrating the international Day of Yoga

Celebrating The International Day of Yoga with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.We found the cave of Alakhpurijji in the Hiamaysa and we made his picture also. The story of Vishwagurujis travels in that place. We know that many people also want to go to Alakhpurijis place. We … read more »

Practising Bari Khatu Pranam

Morning program from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practising Bari Khatu Pranam and pranayama.

How did Yoga in Daily Life begin in Europe?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.When Vishwaguruji in his young age first time arrived in Europe very few people heard about yoga and many people ate meat. At that time Vishwaguruji went back to India. But some Austrian people invite him … read more »

Just go ahead

Morning program from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Life eats life. There are many creatures living in the water on the earth and in the air. There are many living beings everywhere. Humans shouldn't kill and eat animals according to their dharma. The story … read more »

Practise faithfully and continuously

Morning prorgram from Summer Yoga Seminar in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Many exercises we can practise every day at home. Explanation of symbols of Muladhara chakra. We should practise and live pure life continuously. Vishwaguruji introduces a beautiful yoga calendar and charts that were composed by other … read more »


Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Past is gone present is here and future we don't know. Don't eat too fast to enjoy the tastes. The story of Buddha meditated under a big tree. Vishwaguruji also visited that place. The other story … read more »

Practising with Vishwaguruji

Morning program from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practising sarva hita asanas. To eat salad and seeds are very good. We can eat it with a little oil and yoghurt. We can eat very much from this. Practising sarva hita asanas again and relaxation.

Eat healthy food and live as a human

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Many people have thoughts and feelings about God or do some simple ceremony according to their religion. To this day in India, people have been more spiritual than in Europe. Nowadays many people became vegan in … read more »

We can go altogether to God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Guru and Master are the same only the language is different. Gurus coming from different directions have different paths but the aim is one. The story of two brothers. One of them learned very much the … read more »

Introduction of the Strilky Ashram

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic

We must now go further

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic

Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Singing bhajans by Swami Gajanandji.

Procession to the Shri Dudeshwar Mahadev Temple

A procession to the Shri Dudeshwar Mahadev Temple.In the village Sarthur.

Bhajan singing from Jadan Ashram

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Singing bhajans.

Parabrahma Paramatma is behind the Moon and the Sun

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Rajasthan, India.OM is the first and the last. Bhagawan Sri Devpuriji is light everywhere. He is beyond the Moon and the Sun. Hell and heaven are temporary. Every individual soul one day can get the libration with … read more »

Releasing the knots of the heart

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Swami Hari Puri speaks about his yoga life from the beginning and his experiences, feelings and service.

Help every creature

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Very many creatures are living in the salty water of the ocean. Many are living in the eath and they can't live in the salty water. In many parts of the world, animals have no water … read more »

Mantra and Mala

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.eople should not eat animals. You have to feel the pain and then realize that what you are doing is wrong. He who purposely causes pain will not reach God. What do we express when we … read more »

The way to God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.The Atma of all living beings is one. A small drop of water is like the ocean. The small spark is the same as the great fire. There is one God. Only through the mercy of … read more »
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Pilgrimage to Himalaya 2018

Report on the pilgrimage to the Sri Devpuriji cave in the Himalayas together with Vishwaguruji in 2018.Guided by Sadhvi Shanti, towards the spring of Ganga, and tracking on the final path of the five Pandawas from Mahabharata towards Surja Kunt and Sri Devpuriji cave.
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Pilgrimage to Himalaya 2017

Report on the pilgrimage to the Sri Alakhpuriji cave in the Himalayas together with Vishwaguruji in 2017.Following the Ganga river towards its spring, high up in the mountains, and tracking on the path of the five Pandawas from Mahabharata.

We need purity in our minds and souls

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Salzburg, Austria.Salzburg people have practised yoga for very long years. We have two lives one is family life and the other is our spiritual life. Every creature is God not only humans. Water is God and life … read more »

The wish-tree Puja

The wish-tree Puja from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Be peaceful and harmonious

Evening satsang with Visheaguruji from Linz, Austria.On Christmas day we feel love and be together with our family and forgive each other. We feel the resonance of beautiful songs and feel we are humans. Sometimes animals also come together. Birds can make … read more »

Water Is Life

The message of Vishwaguruji on the occasion of Earth Day from Jadan, Rajasthan, India.

Bhajan evening in Jadan Ashram

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhajan singing.

Body and intellect

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.There are many great yoga schools with many disciples in the world. One of them is Yoga in Daily Life. Languages are different and significant. The mpst important what we have is our body. We are … read more »

Try to be nirmohi

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.We should respect our mother earth otherwise we will suffer. Our mother earth is also suffering. We ruin our seeds and earth with chemicals. We should go back to the natural way. Seva is more important … read more »

The forms of God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhagwan Ram, Sri Krishna are all incarnations of God. Water is the same in the drop of water, in the ocean or in the cloud. Its properties are different, its essence is the same. The seed … read more »

Clear your mind

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Swami Avatarpuriji quotes from Gandhiji that if we want any change in the world we should do it in ourselves. It is only possible with the help of the Guru. The story of a Guru and … read more »

Atma resides in all creatures

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Sri Devapuriji Maharaj, the perfect master, lived in the Himalayas, performed his sadhana here, and his many miraculous deeds are remembered. The small drop of water in the palm of our hand is one with the … read more »

Cornerstone ceremony for Bharat Mata Mandir

Cornerstone ceremony for Bharat Mata Mandir to be built in Khindwara, near Nipal Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Proper exercise is important to us

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajsthan, India.Two things are important in our lives. What we eat and what we breathe. Yoga in Daily Life are practiced all over the world. Sarva Hitta asanas are good for everyone. Proper exercise is as important … read more »

Let me come to You

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.Yoga is a science and in ancient times rishis gave it further without writing. Nowadays very many people watch Swamiji TV all over the world. In our body, there are many souls inside but there is … read more »

Guru is eternal

Evening satsang from Vienna, Guruji Ashram.Shiva and Vishnu come many times and between them, there is Brahma who is the creator. The Guru is eternal. We can be the messenger of the Guru. Shiva was the first but before him, there … read more »

Come here to practice yoga

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The weather was very good and the vegetation and the air are very healthy in Strilky Ashram. In such an environment it is very good to practice yoga technics. There will be many beautiful programs in … read more »

Bhajan singing from Jadan Ashram

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Bhajan evening in Jadan Ashram

Evening satsang in Jadan Ashram, Distr.Pali, Rajasthan, India. Bhajan singing.

Become one with yourself

Evening satsang in Jadan Ashram, distr.Pali, Rajasthan, India. I have been to many places, all of which have their own songs. In India, there are many bhajans. The bhajans have a lot of beauty. Even the birds are whistling as if … read more »

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