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4043 results found

Around the world - World Peace Conference, Prague 2016 (11/11)

Yoga in Daily Life – A Path to Non-Violence and World Peace: World Peace Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

Vishwagurujis speech at peace conference in Prague

Yoga Against Stress and Meditation for Inner Peace - Public lecture with HH Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Prague, Czech Republic.

Meditation from Prachatice

Meditation with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.

Morning practice from Prachatice

Morning practice with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.

Meditation from Prague

Meditation with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from Prague, Czech Republic.

Trust your Gurudev

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Moon has got a great influence on our Earth. It gives balance for the planet. Vishwaguruji explains what means the protection and blessing of Gurudev. Trust and believe in your Gurudev instead of taking care of … read more »

Discipline in Yoga

Gurupurnima celebration with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Om Ashram, Jadan, India.If we would like to achieve anything, discipline is very important. It is important in yoga sadhana as well. If someone doesn't follow the discipline, success will not come.

Gurupurnima Satsang 2017

Gurupurnima celebration with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Om Ashram, Jadan, India.Gurupurnima is that day when all Yogis, Siddhas, Rishis and practitioners come to Gurudev. Lucky are theywho can go there to where Gurudev is living, and lucky are they who are remembering Him, worshipping His picture, … read more »

International day of Yoga 2017

Report on International Day of Yoga from Czech Republic.

The Pranas

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Bratislava, Slovak Republic.Vishwaguruji explains how the ten Pranas are functioning in the body. Chemicals are slowly killing us if we are continuously using them. Practice pranayama and yoga, follow a vegetarian and organic diet, and do daily duties … read more »

Why do we need purification?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Bratislava, Slovak Republic.We have been waiting for ages and ages to get the human life. Understand the human life - we are here as a protector of the entire Creation. Vishwaguruji explains that the artificial way of life … read more »

Peace Tree planting in Voderady

Peace Tree planting in Voderday, Slovak Republic.

Protecting Nature

Morning satsang with Vishwaugurji from Voderady, Slovak Republic.The human is not the best creature on Earth. Humans have destroyed so much of nature and have created an immense amount of pollution. We have to go back to the natural way of life and … read more »

Yoga will save the Earth

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram in Vienna, Austria.This beautiful world was created by God. Humans have a highly developed intellect, but it is humans who have made more pollution. When we are practicing yoga we are more aware of the health, however that … read more »

Nothing is more valuable than Satsang

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Budapest, Hungary.Vishwaguruji remembers the time when he first came to Hungary and to the Guru Ashram. Yoga in Daily Life became very well known in a short time. YIDL is a complete system of physical, mental, social … read more »

Is this thought really important to you?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Weekend Seminar in Debrecen, Hungary.Vishwaguruji leads Self-inquiry Meditation to analyze the thoughts and make the mind free.

Peace Tree planting in Debrecen

Peace Tree planting ceremony from the Botanic Garden in Debrecen, Hungary.

Value of Satsang and practicing

Satsang with HH Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.Even criminals can have children, a partner and money, but their path goes towards hell. Satsang is where there is kindness, love, and mercy of God. In the Sanskrit alphabet, there are 52 letters. Each letter … read more »

Ayurveda - The science of life

Lecture by Claudia Mateyovski at the Embassy of India in Prague, Czech Republic.

Morning exercise with Vishwaguruji

Morning practice from Prachatice, Czech Republic.In the system of Yoga in Daily Life there are many postures that can release headaches, neck pain, stomach pain. There many hidden, indirect ways how postures and pranayama support the health.

I am bliss

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.Yoga in Daily Life is designed for the well-being of the human; and we also have to develop love for all creatures. The human mind, intellect and consciousness are not pure. We should omit the hidden … read more »

Meditation with AUM

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji demonstrates how to chant the mantra AUM.

Practice with Vishwaguruji

Morning excercise with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.Yoga in daily life is one of the best systems against the stress. It is very good for the heart, circulation and for removing tension from the whole body and from the mind.

Yoga in Daily Life leads to good health

Public lecture with Vishwaguruji from Prachatice, Czech Republic.Yoga in Daily Life is a scientific system. We can avoid health problems if we continuously practice yoga. Healthy food is also important. We should not kill animals, for many reasons.

The glory of Satsang

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Every movement we are doing while practicing yoga creates something good in the body. Bad society means destruction, while good society - satsang - is just the opposite. Vishwaguruji explains the beauty of satsang by singing … read more »

Techniques of Meditation

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach Ashram, New Zealand.

Sources of happiness

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach Ashram, New Zealand.Happiness is the result of a healthy body, healthy society and healthy nature. "The first wealth is good health." We should have enough money to maintain our life, more money can easily cause problems. Harmony in … read more »


Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Tapa means burning in the fire - going through difficulties in life. We are full of fear because of our endless desires. When the difficulties are removed, we will enjoy the highest bliss. Give up the … read more »

The Living Planet

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Live a long life in order to serve Mother Earth. The Earth was designed by Vishwakarma, who was the Cosmic Engineer. The youngest mountains on the Earth are the Himalayas. Earth is a living being, like … read more »

Yoga Nidra: theory and practice

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji in Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.Every day is a golden day for the Saint who has achieved the highest level of consciousness and realized Yoga Nidra. There are many incomplete chapters of our life yet to be finished. A mighty power … read more »

We should develop positive qualities

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Perfection needs practice. Mind is like a reflection, it is always changing. Greed, endless desires, and other disturbances are often awake in the mind. All the real masters are connected from one root. We should keep … read more »

Be the example

Discussion Panel in honor of Mahatma Gandhi, on the topics of Peace, Love, Hard Work and Non-violence.The discussion is attended by H.H.Vishwaguruji, Sri Sandeep Sood from Indian High Commission, and Naginbhai Neil. Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.

What is Yoga and Ayurveda?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.

Meditation from Auckland

Meditation with Vishwaguruji from Auckland Ashram, New Zealand.

Renounce and enjoy

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, NZ.Ayurveda is connected to Nature. We should live our life in harmony with Nature. Meditation is one of the best ways to overcome our worries. One day we will leave everything here. Ayurveda gives physical and … read more »

Transferring the ancient knowledge

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.The origin of Yoga and Ayurveda we can find in ancient times. Knowledge was transferred from Masters to disciples verbally and in written form as well. There are just a few languages such as Sanskrit which … read more »

Who is the real Master?

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.There are self-made Masters. The real Guru has the highest bliss, he is an embodiment of the highest knowledge; above all fighting and dualities. Guru is the principle of knowledge, divine light, spirituality.

The lotus of the heart

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.The Self, the Atma, is residing in the heart. God is pure love, when it touches our heart the joy and happiness awakens in us. Vishwaguruji explains the nature of love between Master and disciple by … read more »


Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.The Soul (Jiva) is bounded to our actions and reactions. It is travelling in the endless space and residing in the body for a while. We should know from where we are coming, why we are … read more »

Practicing Yoga

Practicing Yoga with Vishwaguruji, from Vancouver, Canada.

How to open the heart?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.God is only one. Religion is preaching according to a certain prophet or saint. The Master always explains to us what we still do not understand. It is very difficult to overcome worldly attachments. Vishwaguruji explains … read more »

The whole world is one family

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Every creature is searching the way to happiness. God gave to humans the most powerful tool: the intellect. The whole world is one family - this knowledge gives real happiness. A healthy mind and body give … read more »

We need perfection

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.If we are not perfect we can make mistakes and we will have to suffer the consequences. Vishwaguruji gives examples to explain this truth. People sometimes follow their own will, instead of the traditional knowledge. Real … read more »

Yoga and Ayurveda for the health

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Health of physical body is depending on the nutrition. Ayurveda helps us to develop healthy way of eating. We should try to get more and more organic things. It is hard to change our bad qualities … read more »

Seva will bring us to Brahmaloka

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.God gives everything to everyone. We should have a happy life and happy united families. We should not kill any creatures in the name of God. Keep discipline and all beings will be happy. When we … read more »

Great Saints set an example

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There is only one God, dualities are created by humans. The first sadhana for a yogi is to go to Satsang. Second is to study the life of great Rishis (sages) and the way they reach … read more »

Sacrifice of the Saints

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Searching for Brahmaloka

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Rama and Hanuman

Satsang from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.The Moon has a great influence on Earth. Full moon is the symbol of completeness. Hanuman was always sitting at the holy feet of Srí Rama in virasan (hero pose) and was ready to serve Him. … read more »

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