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4043 results found

Dreams are your reality

Evening satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from Prague, Czech Republic.

Mantra chanting makes you one with the divine

Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Prague, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji translates the peace mantra and explains it’s meaning. Don’t take yoga only as some physical exercise. Develop awareness, intellect which is full with devotion, love. That’s why we are practicing mantra and following Gurudev.

The origin of the Science of Yoga

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Melbourne, Australia.Real love becomes stronger when there is physical distance. Study of Yoga-Vedanta philosophy makes our knowledge much deeper. Vishwaguruji explains the beginning of the universe as it happened billions of years ago.

Procession to Shiva Temple

The Yatra (procession) from village Kachraas to Khatu Ashram for the inauguration of the new Shiva temple.

Traditions of the life of a Sadhu

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.There are different reasons why someone becomes a sadhu - a renunciate. If someone would like to get the spiritual knowledge from the Master this person should follow strict rules and surrender to the Master lifelong. … read more »

Jadan Ashram sets an example

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Due to ignorance we are destroying nature, Mother Earth. Jadan Ashram sets an example of how to stop this destructive process and how to live in harmony with nature. Lecture by Swami Yogeshpuri.

Kriya yoga

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.The science of Yoga was given to this world by Mahadev Shiva. Yoga harmonizes body, mind and soul. It is the way to God. Kriya means activity. Space is endless, within it is energy - moving … read more »

Bhajan singing

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhajan singing with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasrajpurjii.

Day of happiness

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji on the occasion of Diwali from Jadan, Rajasthan, India.

How to reach perfection

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.In billions of people there are only rare saints. In order to develop that saintly quality the aspirant should become a devotee by following guruvakya. Vishwaguruji explains how yoga helps us to realize spirituality.

Yoga is harmonizing energy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Yoga is balancing energy and was already present at the beginning of the creation. To realize this we need guidance and proper learning. This worldly life is like a cave, and only Satgurudev will guide us … read more »

Who will get liberation?

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sunshine Coast, Australia.Vishwaguruji explains how to live the divine life, with good thoughts and words. The nectar of immortality within us can be found in the nabhi, the navel. When kundalini awakens it means joy, happiness, calm and … read more »

Vishwaguruji in New Zealand Parliament

Following many speakers Vishwaguruji gives a short talk in Parliament in New Zealand.

Yoga leads to the healthy way of life

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach, New Zealand.Yoga is the best for physical, mental and social health of humans. Yoga is not a part of any religion. It means happiness, harmony, peace, love and good health. Guru has the stick of dharma. Our … read more »


Evening satsang from Wellington, New Zealand.Vishwaguruji tells some stories about the devotion of Sri Hanumanji. Where there is devotion between disciple and the guru, there is guru kripa (grace), and daya (mercy) of the guru as well.

Webcast from Wellington

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.

Evening Yoga practice with Vishwaguruji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.

How to control diabetes

Evening practice and satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach, New Zealand.It is good to know some kind of exercises against diabetes. Through movements, nourishment and environment we are able to control this illness. Practicing with Vishwaguruji.

Remembering Mahatma Gandhiji

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.There is no way to peace, peace is the way. The whole world is one family. Mankind has destroyed the whole Earth and there is only one way to come back: Love each and every living … read more »

The fire can keep us healthy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach, New Zealand.Our life is mainly unnatural - seeds and foods, dairy products are manipulated. This causes diabetes and other illnesses. By practicing yoga we can strengthen the digestive fire, and this fire can keep us healthy.

Strengthening the fire

Lecture with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Vishwaguruji explains the meaning of Agni and how to practice agnisar kriya - a useful exercise to remedy diabetes, as well as clean the blood and the joints.

Yoga exercises against diabetes

Yoga practice with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand, for treatment of diabetes - to improve the health of the pancreas and liver.

God is dwelling in each and every entity

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Language can confuse us, but God is in everyone and is everywhere. Vishwaguruji explains the meaning of Yoga and Sanatan Dharma as the uniting principle - using the symbols of waves and the ocean.

Cosmic energy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Prana means energy, it is the source of our life. There is the more physical aspect of prana such as oxygen, and a finer aspect which is cosmic energy. There are three principles to protect cosmic … read more »


Morning excercise from Auckland, New Zealand.Practicing vajrasan and shoulder circling with Vishwaguruji.

Asana, pranayama and meditation

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Vishwaguruji explains the structure of the human being. Body is important but energy, mind, intellect are also important parts of us. By practicing asana, pranayama and meditation we can reach a higher level of living.

Your body is the map of your destiny

Program with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland, USA.

Janama Bhumi, Karma Bhumi and Dharma Bhumi

Morning Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland, USA.

Satsang and chanting of Hanuman Chalisa

Program with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda with chanting of Hanuman Chalisa and Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Sloka from San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland, USA.

Kriya and Kundalini

Program with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland, USA.Kriya means doing. By doing we are creating karma. Kriya as a ceremony can liberate the soul from worldly obligations, from the bondage of karma. Then Kundalini, energy, awakens in us.

The wisdom of Yoga for students

Program with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from San Francisco Bay Area, USA.The venue is Hult International Business School in downtown San Francisco. Introduction of Yoga. Vishwaguruji explains how creation begins and what is the origin of yoga. Yoga is free, but we should practice the original and … read more »

Peace Tree planting

Peace tree planting by Vishwaguruj, Oakland, California, USA.Yoga is the path to the nonviolence and peace. If we would like to change our life we should change our way of thinking. We should start with the first thoughts in the morning. I am … read more »

Yoga is a self-healing therapy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Peace tree planting in Atlanta

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Vishwaguruji explains what is a grassroot project and how can it help in maintaining world peace. Peace needs not only the human, but the whole nature. The path of a peace begins in our heart.

Grassroot projects for peace

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Vishwaguruji explains what is a grassroot project and how can it help in maintaining world peace. Peace needs not only the human, but the whole nature. The path of a peace begins in our heart.

Miraculous Creation

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Glimpse of our origin. In the beginning there was a consciousness within the endless space. Then iccha shakti awakened, the first energy. Yoga is balancing, harmonizing and uniting energy and was present at the beginning of … read more »

Learn to renounce

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.As time is passing we are getting old and feeling inside threatened by this situation, it is not easy to retire. Some people are afraid about the death, or about the way how one will die. … read more »

Follow the good path

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.There are very few yoga schools that are teaching authentic yoga. One point is concerning yoga is the good health. Sat means the truth, sanga means the company. Real friendship is there, where people are walking … read more »

Help to the World

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Yoga in Daily Life Ashram in Atlanta, USA.This is an official side- event to the International Conference on Sustainable Development at Columbia University, NYC, Sept 21-22 in conjunction with the UN General Assembly meetings and the UN International Day of Peace. Vishwaguruji introduces … read more »

Planting peace tree in Alexandria

Peace tree planting by Vishwaguruji with the Mayor in the City of Alexandria, Virgina, USA.

Quality of yoga is missing

Morning lecture with Vishwaguruji from "Lectures and Yoga Retreat" in Alexandria, Virgina, USA.Just to have a human body is not everything, we should have that quality in us which leads to the light. Bhaktas, spiritual seekers go to the light. Human life is the last milestone before reaching … read more »

Develop the quality

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from "Lectures and Yoga Retreat" in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.There are five different layers or bodies and we have to purify all of them and maintain the quality. Gurudev tries to give training to the disciple, but it is not easy to follow the words … read more »

Worldly and spiritual life

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Alexandria, Virgina, USA.Vishwaguruji explains how we are trapped by temptations of worldly life and what is the meaning of spiritual life.

The human birth

Evening lecture with Vishwaguruji from New York City, USA.We are in the cycle of birth and death - actions and reactions are continuously following each other. Humans can become free from the chain of karma by practicing yoga and with the blessing of the … read more »

There is only one reality

Evening lecture with Vishwaguruji from New York City, USA.The consciousness of a yogi can expand and reach the whole universe. Vishwaguruji explains the beginning and evolution of the universe to enlighten the truth about yoga.

Satsang from Vancouver

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver on the occasion of Holy Guruji's birthday.

Key points for meditation

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, India.Gurudev protects and supports the disciple. Don’t pray for money, siddhis, samadhi. Ask for Gurubhakti, devotion to the master, without doubts. These are the leading thoughts from a bhajan written by the great saint, Kabirdas. Try … read more »

Self-inquiry meditation

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jaipur ashram, Rajasthan, India.Explanation and practice of self inquiry meditation of Yoga in Daily Life.

Yoga and Yogi

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jaipur Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Vishwaguruji explains what is yoga and what is the way of the yogi according to yogasutra of Rishi Patanjali.

Journey to thyself

Meditation with Vishwaguruji from Jaipur Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

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