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Seva will bring us to Brahmaloka
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.God gives everything to everyone. We should have a happy life and happy united families. We should not kill any creatures in the name of God. Keep discipline and all beings will be happy. When we … read more »
Great Saints set an example
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There is only one God, dualities are created by humans. The first sadhana for a yogi is to go to Satsang. Second is to study the life of great Rishis (sages) and the way they reach … read more »
Sacrifice of the Saints
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Searching for Brahmaloka
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Yoga and Ayurveda
Public lecture with Vishwaguruji from Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.Do we understand what life is? Veda (knowledge) was given in Satya Yuga. According to the Vedas, Upanishads, and Self-realized yogis, in the beginning there was empty, endless space, and only dark blue light. Space is … read more »
How to find peace
Evening program with Vishwaguruji from Bratislava, Slovak Republic.Peace is within our heart. The first step towards peace is good health, and health depends on our nourishment. Practicing yoga keeps the mind balanced, without nervousness and anxiety. Chanting mantras is a direct way to … read more »
Discover peace and happiness within you
Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda Public Lecture, Kosice, Slovak Republic.Vishwaguruji reveals the secrets of our birth. We come from the beautiful Universe with peace and happiness within. This kind of realization is awakened by practicing meditation.
The aim of human life
Public lecture with Vishwaguruji from Martin, Slovakia.Yoga means uniting, harmonizing and balancing. Our earth is a living planet, in each and every cell of the body there is an immense amount of energy. The aim of the human life is to achieve … read more »
Meditation can help us
Public lecture with Vishwaguruji from Poprad, Slovakia.Why don’t we have time? Why are we suffering from stress? And even more if we have more money? If we would practice yoga three hours a day we would have happy life. Meditation can help … read more »
Meditation in Anandasana
Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Spisska Nova Ves.In Self-inquiry Meditation we are searching for the door to get out of this worldly cage.
The Holy Land
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji reveals knowledge about the Kumbha Mela. Mahamandaleshwars should look after all sadhus. Acharya is the head of all Mahamandaleshwars. India is the land, where Holy Saints are incarnating.
Develop your wisdom, do not steal
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.People are stealing many things in many ways recently. We should feed our intellect with love, in that way viveka, wisdom will come. Search for good society, search for satsang. Bad society is similar to gambling … read more »
If you don’t accept, you will lose the chance
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Words of the master are true. Sometimes we don’t understand, or do not accept. The doctor gives right medicine, however an injection is not pleasant. But it is good for us. If our quality is good … read more »
Self-inquiry meditation
Satsang with Vishwaguruji, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There are different kinds of disturbances (vrittis) in the consciousness, for example worries from the outer world. If we blame others, we will never reach our aim. Nature is destroyed and food poisoned with chemicals. Meditation … read more »
We suffer because we left Nature
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.God has created everything sustainably on the Earth. We all were born in the garden of God with talents, abilities and knowledge. Our duty is to give these fruits forward. Brahman is the truth, there is … read more »
Humans have the chance to get liberation
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Spirituality doesn't change
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Dreams are your reality
Evening satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda from Prague, Czech Republic.
Mantra chanting makes you one with the divine
Satsang with Vishwaguru Maheshwarananda, Prague, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji translates the peace mantra and explains it’s meaning. Don’t take yoga only as some physical exercise. Develop awareness, intellect which is full with devotion, love. That’s why we are practicing mantra and following Gurudev.
Different branches of the truth
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains what truth means in our life situations. Satya – following the truth is the part of both Raja and Gyana Yoga.
Technology makes people lonely
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The king adores his kingdom, the saint worships the whole world. The Raja Yogi will not harm even himself. Vishwaguruji advises us to build a big and strong family with love. Love means kindness, respect, humbleness, … read more »
Remain with one Parampara
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.At the time of death our soul will go away like a flame, only the body will remain here. The soul is travelling through space to find the Light. During this journey we belong to one … read more »
Follow the Dharma
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Karma will not leave anyone free, even if we are not able to realize. Vishwaguruji explains why Raja Yoga starts with ten principles of Yama and Niyama, inner and outer disciplines.
Social education
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.For a yogi, perfect social education is important. Without this we may speak hard words and harm others. As much wisdom and spiritual energy you have,the more humble and kind you become.
Don't share your divine experiences with all
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Until you know someone completely, you shouldn’t trust this person. In Raja Yoga everything should be done with consideration. This world has many curves, but in the knowledge there are no curves, we should understand the … read more »
Ahimsa is the highest principle
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.We should not abuse Nature, just like a king shouldn’t abuse his citizens. Ahimsa means non-violence. Hinsa means violence. It is very hard to avoid killing small creatures, it can happen while we are breathing, walking, … read more »
Healthy nourishment
Healthy food and eating, lecture by Jaroslav Skvaril.
Humans must have discipline
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains that discipline is present in the whole of Nature and its role is essential in yoga as well. Yoga applies discipline in positive way. We should follow the rules of Yama and Niyama lifelong, … read more »
You are the king
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Yoga is like a tree. Raja, Gyana, Bhakti and Karma yoga are also parts of that tree. A Raja Yogi is always alert, awakened inside and ready to remove the obstacles.
Women can bring peace
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Guidance of the guru, discipline and following the instructions of the master, are all essential if you really want to achieve yoga.
Relationships between brothers and sisters
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The relation between brother and sister is in a way much deeper than the relation between mother and father. Peace, harmony, mutual understanding, forgiveness, protecting each other. Nowadays good relations are getting lost.
Anusthan, sadhana and upasana
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Anusthan means intensive practice; it could be very hard, but very useful. It is a big step in your development when you really love the practice and enjoy being with yourself. Following the talk of MM … read more »
Learn the original Sanskrit names
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.If we change the original Sanskrit names of the yoga exercises and do not use Sanskrit form of some key words, yoga will be lost. The original name and language expresses the meaning of that word … read more »
Mana Saba Khoyo Re
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji gives insight into the life of our masters. He explains the meaning and importance of satsang by translating this bhajan.
Satsang from Strilky
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Vishwaguruji's Birthday
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic, on the occasion of his birthday.
Learn the language of yoga
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Birthday celebration of Vishwaguruji and chanting mantras in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language of philosophy. You will understand asana and pranayama when you learn the language. Today online learning is also available.
The best medicine for a human is a human
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.To help means not only to give money or material things. If a yoga teacher has got good inner education and wisdom, this person can give confidence, happiness and support to others.
Prakrti - The mother nature
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Real joy of the soul comes from pure nature. Clean, fresh air is better than any kind of air-conditioner. All yoga teachers should inspire the students and go with them into Nature. Learn the silence from … read more »
Knowledge is given to give further
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains what knowledge is, and how to utilize and preserve it in a good way. If we are not using the knowledge, we will lose the ability of using it. Remain with discipline, follow your … read more »
Practice, practice, practice
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There are certain principles to teaching yoga, in order to achieve harmony of body, mind and soul and good health. Yoga in Daily Life is not an emotional fire. We should always be concentrated and give … read more »
How we pollute our energy
Satsang with Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains what is consciousness, awareness, mind, emotions. Yoga is not only body stretching and twisting. It is the balance between body and mind. Yoga begins with postures - keeping body healthy, influencing muscles, ligaments. Besides … read more »
The beauty of the Himalayas
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.To go to the mountains is always a challenge. Vishwaguruji tells true stories from His recent journey to the Kingdom of Sri Alakh Puriji.
Yoga practice with children
Children's program, Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
What is a kriya?
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Vishwaguruji explains the meaning of the “kriya” and explains the connection between the hatha yoga, prana and kriya. Chandra nadi (ida) is connected to the left nostril, surya nadi (pingala) is connected to the right nostril. … read more »
Sutra Dhauti
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Adi Shankaracharya and Advaita Vada
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Neti and Kapalabhati
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Yoga unites space and consciousness
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.
Successor of the Guru Gadi
Satsang with Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda, Summer Retreat in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Don’t fight against in the name of the God, just surrender. Non violence is the root of the Dharma. Guru and disciple always will be there. Supreme will send the true successor if there will be … read more »