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Webcast from Jadan

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.
Price: 9.61€

Remember that you are a Human

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.The seventh day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Kaalratri, who removes all negative powers. Mother and father can't exist without each other. How to get up in the morning? Remember that you are a Human. … read more »
Price: 8.24€

God is everywhere

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.First Swami Avatarpuri and Swami Premanand are speaking. The sixth day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Katyayani. Goddess Katyayani is revered on the sixth day of Navratri. She is an incarnation of Durga, came to … read more »
Price: 10.14€

Guru Itself Parabhrama

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Swami Avatarpuriji is speaking about the 5th. day of Navratri. The Devi of this day is Skanda Mata Devi. Vishvaguruji tells about the sattvic life. Sattvic life means purity. Karma is the past, present, and future. … read more »
Price: 5.18€

Find your Shelter near Gurudev

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Singing Bhajans. Day by day Atma is going on the right path of purification when we are aware of Oneness. One day the bird will fly away from the worldly nest, to find the shelter near … read more »
Price: 7.98€

What means Navratri

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Navratri means the 9 nights of the Divine Mother. There should be great respect in the family towards the mother. Explanation of how to live a happy life, how to take care of the family. Shakti … read more »
Price: 6.05€

Be in the present

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Swami Avatarpuriji is speaking about Brahmacharini, who is the second from the nine Devis that we are worshipping during Navaratri. Vishwaguruji tells how Gurudev takes care of the Bhaktas. The human brain is very developed but … read more »
Price: 7.31€

The Navratri festival

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.The first day of Navratri is the first day of the Indian year. Every nine days of Navratri we are worshipping different Devis representing the Divine Mother. There are two guards, the black called Kal Bheru … read more »
Price: 4.67€

Don't be Afraid

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Singing Hanuman Chalisa. Every creature was created by God. The fire was appearing at a very early stage of the creation. In nature, Life eats Life, but a human is different. When we are eating fruit … read more »
Price: 6.99€

Yoga practicing with Vishwaguruji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Many people are practicing Yoga in Daily Life disciplined. Patanjali introduced training on how to become a yogi. Practicing Ardha Matsyendrasana and other positures, Bhastrika pranayama, and relaxation called Ananda asana. Bari Khatu Pranam creates the … read more »
Price: 6.88€

Instructions against the infection

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Before or after the morning prayer is very good to chant the Satguru Chalisa. It purifies the heart, beautiful energy will awake in the whole body. Gurudev is the source of spirituality and knowledge. Father and … read more »
Price: 8.21€

Purify Yourselves

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan, Rajasthan, India.Life in this world is always changing. Resonance presents in the whole universe like in the Sun. The vibration of the master is coming to us like the heat, if we are sitting near. Whenever incarnations … read more »
Price: 6.68€

Webcast from Auckland

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.
Price: 4.33€

Anando Ham - practicing from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Chanting OM. Awakening energies and opening hidden powers with a simple exercise. Explanation of how energy is awakening from the navel. It leads us to Sat Cit Ananada.
Price: 4.46€

Morning meditation from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Meditation and chanting OM.
Price: 4.80€

We are all in God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Prayer for all innocent creatures who are suffering and for people how are suffering from the present infection around the world. Prayer is the greatest power and the best medicine. We are all in God. You … read more »
Price: 3.35€

Webcast from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.
Price: 5.69€

How to change the destiny

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Saint's has its right to choose the way how they are teaching the truth, but we are creating duality and fighting who is the best. Finally, we are all one. We should change our bad nature … read more »
Price: 9.26€

Webcast from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.
Price: 6.92€


Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Ahimsa paramo dharma Hinsa means violence, ahimsa means non-violence. We should not harm any creature purposely. There are many creatures within our being or nearby, we can harm them without intention. That is why we should … read more »
Price: 7.50€

Webcast from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.
Price: 4.08€

Practicing Yoga Nidra

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation of the Yogis, it is like a conscious sleep.
Price: 6.13€

Don't kill Animals!

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.The origin of many diseases is in our relationships. We can solve problems if we are practicing yoga. Advice from Vishwaguruji for good health. Search your Guru in the heart. We have to follow the words … read more »
Price: 5.88€

We should have God in our heart

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.That is very good if the speaker speaks by heart and not read what he wants to tell. There is a different culture in every country. Some tradition is changing because of the coronavirus. The joke … read more »
Price: 8.17€

Be Human

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Yoga is the science of humans. It is not only physical training or breath exercises. Yoga was there at the beginning of the creation. We shall try to understand why we are practicing yoga. We are … read more »
Price: 8.00€

Only the Guru will teach us some kind of knowledge

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.A story about Sri Tulsidas and a girl whom he loved. Master can give knowledge without words also. The story about Balmiki and Narada. People can change their life sometimes because of one world only. Protect … read more »
Price: 6.41€

The ego pulls down completely

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.Life is the most beautiful, but humans always have problems like greediness and killing other creatures. The day when we go we will not bring anything with us. Story of the proud king who thought that … read more »
Price: 6.85€

Traditional customs are very important

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Importance of traditions connecting different moon phases and customs connecting to Christmas time. On Christmas day children and parents are happy. On Divali day in India people also were happy and worship Rama. We worship God … read more »
Price: 5.59€

Path to the meditation

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.Do not go out of thyself. Go to thyself not to outside. Do not think about your body during meditation. We should learn to sleep in a yogic way. We should catch that second when we … read more »
Price: 6.75€

Purify your all elements

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.It is time to have more spiritual thoughts. God is eternal everywhere. Water is life. There are three kinds of living creatures. God is life. The story about a master and the two men who want … read more »
Price: 8.28€

Eternal journey within orselves

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach Ashram, New Zealand.What is the highest for you? What is the dearest for your heart? Who is taking care of us? We can not get everything that we want from yoga with only asanas and pranayama. Nowadays partnership … read more »
Price: 10.20€

The Eternal Journey

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Beach Ashram, New Zealand.Yoga is not some kind of exercise. Yoga means union of the body, mind, and soul. Life means Soul. At the beginning of the Universe, there was only empty space, where resonance appeared. Shiva means that … read more »
Price: 6.95€

How can we become a Master

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.eople have a different tradition for eating and in the toilet in the world. High educated people held their bathroom and toilet clean. In Indian tradition, the kitchen is a temple. The food is God. People … read more »
Price: 6.02€

Two kinds of power

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.We need power for everything. Incarnations have a weapon and also a blessing in their hands. Both Siva and Shakti is power. Now in the Kali-yuga devils are awakened. Siva is the God of the devas … read more »
Price: 6.63€

How can we get knowledge

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Mantras effecting of our body mind and soul and remove negative qualities. Sun rain and the air is for every creature. Prayer means that I want to do something good for my body. God is in … read more »
Price: 7.67€

Eternal journey

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.A tiny sandfly and an elephant has the same soul. Earth is a mother. In the elements, there is also God. God can also manifest with the five elements. Life has many forms. Where is our … read more »
Price: 6.39€

Inauguration of Swami Madhavananda Statue in Om Ashram

Yagya, ceremony of inauguration of Sri Swami Madhavananda Statue in Om Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India.
Price: 1.45€

The real meaning of Yoga

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Singing bhajans. Translation and explanation of the bhajan Mat Kar Moha Tu written by great Saint Kabir Das. Don't be attached, we have many different kinds of attachments. There are three principles between space and consciousness: … read more »
Price: 4.18€

Be faithful to your path

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sunshine Coast, Australia.Spirituality is not easy to get nowadays. The story about a famous Indian poet who realized the nature of light and darkness. Many times people coming and going and some among them become complete. We should … read more »
Price: 8.83€

Pranayama balances energy in our body

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sunshine Coast, Australia.Pranayama stick is very good for many aspects. Good quality of nourishment is important for our health. There is energy in nourishment and it becomes prana. diseases come from not proper nourishment and f bad thoughts. … read more »
Price: 6.78€
Premium video

You are within all and all are within you. Mefitation

Meditation with Vishwaguruji from Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Price: 10.00€

Yoga and Life

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Gold Coast, Australia.Yoga is the science of humans. Yoga is the cosmic power. Physical exercise is a part of the yogic science for achieving good health. The soul should enter into the cosmic light during this life. Water … read more »
Price: 7.05€

Yogic Anatomy

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Om is the vibration that harmonizes everything. Explanation of the layers, or koshas. The mind is very quick, we can imagine something and we are immediately there. Energy channels are crossing each other many times forming … read more »
Price: 4.11€

The farewell of the Soul

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Reality means to become one with Brahman. The Master should lead us to the destination. You are not the only one Atma in this physical body which was made from five elements. Changing will come after … read more »
Price: 4.64€

God will not forget us

Evening satsang with Viswwaguruji from Brisbane, Australia.Dharma means humbleness, kindness, and love for all creatures. Humans need education. Veda is knowledge. Sruti means the words while Smriti means when remembering. Yogi treats father and mother as God. God is walking with us, … read more »
Price: 7.46€

Residence of the Soul

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Melbourne, Australia.Exercise for the palms, that awakens energy centers of the body. Quarter-liter warm water in the morning is helping in purification. The Soul is residing in the Navel, at the origin. Life is present in the … read more »
Price: 9.28€

Practice every day

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.First God is the mother of the child. Child begins to develop in the mother's body. People lost the science of cooking. In the beginning, there was only conscious and space. Yoga consists of three things: … read more »
Price: 5.33€

Atma is spotless

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Dungog, New South Wales, Australia.Story of two friends that are walking together. In hard times God is carrying us. Story of Shiva and the hatha yogi who did not ask for anything. Sri Guru is the highest Soul, enter into … read more »
Price: 4.69€

Bhari Katu Pranam

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Dungog, New South Wales, Australia.We call it Bhari Katu Pranayam also. Relaxation. Asana practising. Complete demonstration of Bhari Khatu Pranam.
Price: 6.14€

Meditate on Gurudev's form

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sydney Ashram, Australia.God is only one. Parabrahma means the Supreme the higher which has no form. Visnu is the protector. Siva created Visnu and Brahma. Laksmi is the prosperity which means knowledge. All other living beings were created … read more »
Price: 6.26€

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