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3950 results found

Webcast from Koper

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Koper Ashram, Slovenia.
Price: 7.41€

Webcast from Nova Gorica

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Nova Gorica.Celebration on the occasion of inauguration of new Yoga Ashram in Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
Price: 6.47€

Our duty to have a devotion

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.Our yoga system belongs to Alakhpuriji. From the Satja Yuga time till Devpurijis time we do not know. Shadwi Shanti found the place where Alakhpuriji and Drvpuriji had lived. Explanation of bhajan I will be thine … read more »
Price: 7.68€

Soul is One

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.We are all like paras. We can create good qualities in others. When paras touch the iron it becomes gold. Guru is more than paras, Guru can transform the disciple into Guru. If not, either Gurudev … read more »
Price: 7.29€

Keep your Anamaya Kosha clean

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from weekend Yoga Seminar in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.Badjan singing. Indian ambassador speaks about the importance of to keep the traditions unchanged. Every sound influence to ous brain. O human don't be proud of your being as a human. O man don't think that … read more »
Price: 8.32€

You become that

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Ljubljana, Slovenia.There are three tattwas in our body tamas, rajas and sattva. We can cross the ocean of worldly life with the energy of mantras and bhajans. Explanation of mantra Om Namo Sri Prabu Deep Narayanam. Energy … read more »
Price: 7.39€

Atma is in every creature

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.There are different ways of how to become a king. Yoga in Daily Life brings all teachings of yoga, which is above the religion. To become one with the cosmic self is part of the yoga. … read more »
Price: 6.26€

Relation of the Master and disciple

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Whenever we need some help we are going to the shelter, to the Gurudev. Master is taking care of you, the relation is like the relation between mother and child. Where there is ego, one loses … read more »
Price: 7.00€

Chakras are the source of koshas

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.God has given us everything to awakening the kundalini. We should maintain these capabilities. Story of a man who made pots by clay. Whatever you do the karma comes back to you good or bad. Story … read more »
Price: 7.52€

Attachment towards God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Attachment can be positive also. There is mother earth and father's land. If we have a pure attachment to the whole world that we are on the right way to the Supreme. We should feel an … read more »
Price: 4.43€

Understand your body

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.Bad inspirations are coming from outside, we should solve certain life-problems. We are happier if we have less property. Reach people are just taking care of the money, they are not using it in a good … read more »
Price: 7.87€

Sri Alakh Puriji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.Himalayan roots of the Yoga in Daily Life. There are great Rishis, they are near to Bhagawan Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. Alakh means that we cannot write that name. Giving donation is good for us. Who … read more »
Price: 7.79€

Keep the original message of Yoga

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.We worship the Moon, the Sun and all of the creatures. One in All - the Jiva is everywhere. The speech of the Ambassador of India to Hungary Mr. Kumar Tuhin. It is important to keep … read more »
Price: 8.83€

The reflection of the Self

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.Everyone who was coming will go. Immortality, the knowledge of the Self can be reached only by the Guru Kripa. When you have got a little reflection of the Self you will go behind. The family … read more »
Price: 7.23€

We should believe in God

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Alexandria, USA.There are four types of the soul to enter the body of a creature. Human has the chance to reach oneness. What is the sense that the soul came to this body? We should stop our … read more »
Price: 7.46€

Practicing from Garrison

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Garrison, NY, USA.
Price: 10.39€

Purify your body from poison

Evening satsang from Garrison, NY, USA.Happiness and unhappiness are within ourselves. Yoga practice helps the unhappiness push down. Death will never leave you alone. The story of a wedding couple who live in misunderstanding for a long time. Tell to everybody … read more »
Price: 7.43€

How universe reflects in the human body

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Garrison, NY, USA.The roots of our nerves and glands are in our foot soles. The energy of the Sun arrives directly to the earth. Go every day for some minutes on the earth without shoes and socks. Moon … read more »
Price: 8.13€

Pranayama and Kundalini

Evenining satsang with Vishwaguruji from Garrison, NY, USA.There are three nadis or nerves that are very important. Different levels of nadi sodhan pranayama should be practiced for about three months after each other. The Soul is in the prison of the elements, closed … read more »
Price: 7.24€

Kundalini, chakras, and consciousness

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Garrison, NY, USA.There are chakras in every creature, the net of the nerves is present in the whole body. Our skin has information about the organs. The spirituality is one, Om is present in every religion, language is … read more »
Price: 6.19€

Science of development into the Supreme

Evenining satsang with Vishwaguruji from Garrison, NY, USA.Firstly, we should understand our whole being. For that we need Masters, practice and realize ourselves: Who am I? The best meditation is to come within thyself. There are five bodies or layers accompanying the Soul. … read more »
Price: 5.62€

Webcast from Buford

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Buford, Atlanta, Georgia.
Price: 6.08€

Development and Chakras

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from retreat at Mt.Shasta, Washington State, USA. Classical dance from Bhakti Devi. Explanation of some symbols in the pictures of the chakras. In order to purify the Svadhistan Chakra we should purify the Agya Chakra first. Mind and intellect … read more »
Price: 7.43€

Morning practice from Mt. Shasta

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Mt.Shasta, California, USA. Practicing meditation and asanas.
Price: 8.80€

There is one Soul

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from retreat at Mt.Shasta, Washington State, USA. The ocean is the origin, the creation. Nada is the resonance, it is the Supreme. Vishwaguruji creates a sound from the sea-shell. The elements were emerging from the sound of the creation. … read more »
Price: 8.31€


Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Healing power of the mantras. Sooner or later we do believe. God is different for us, but there is only one God. Concentration on the different parts of the body.
Price: 7.95€

System of the chakras and the sound

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Manipur is the center of the system of chakras. There are fifty-two letters in Devanagrik Alphabet. The source of the vibration or the origin of sound is the navel. Practical introduction into the nada yoga by … read more »
Price: 6.09€

Soul is one

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Respect is important, it should not be lost. Holy Guruji said: one in all and all in one. Our souls are the same, the soul will not die.
Price: 7.96€

The Yogic Anatomy and Practice

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Source of our life is at the heart, but life is everywhere. We can feel the physical body from the toes till the top of the head. The net of the nerves is present everywhere. Vishwaguruji … read more »
Price: 7.42€

Vishuddi Chakra and thyroid gland

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vancouver, Canada.Fighting is alway present, even in the motherwomb. When Gods and Devils were fighting Shiva gave them a work: churning of the ocean. Negative words can create a thyroid problem. There are 25 petals on the … read more »
Price: 1.81€

Tree planting in Auckland

Planting peace tree in Auckland, New Zealand.Speaches from the participants of different nations.
Price: 2.93€

Opening ceremony of the new center at Auckland

Morning Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Yoga in Daily Life is round the whole Globe. At the beginning there was space and consciousness. Between them there are three principlies: harmony, one-ness and balancing. Whe there is duality there is a fighting, whose … read more »
Price: 6.68€


Evening satsang with Vishwarugurji from Auckland, New Zealand.Dharmaraja is the king of the heaven. Dharma means justice, who is giving the truth. Once the promise was given, record will always remain. Yagya is to bring you on your path. It is like sannyas … read more »
Price: 5.91€

The relation to ourselves

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Practicing meditation.
Price: 7.52€

Overview of practicing yoga

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Yoga in Daily Life is spreading throughout the whole Globe. It is the life, yogic exercise is daily nutrition for us. Explanation of the Tratak, concentration on the flame of the candle. Kundalini yoga is one … read more »
Price: 4.87€

The wisdom of Chakras

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Chanting peace mantra with the mudras. Explanation and demonstration of mudras, the way how to activate the nerves. We shall try to become a very simple, humble person, that means spirituality. Humanity means goodness, without cruelty … read more »
Price: 8.25€

We have to become one

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.There are many things in the space. We should stop our attachment. Great yogis do not attach to anything and to anybody. Break from the attachment and join to God. Nothing is mine. Explanation of bhadzsan … read more »
Price: 9.48€


Morning Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.We have different bodies like the physical body, prana body, mental body, astral body, and consciousness. These are connected to the five elements. Our body has become the container of chemicals, they are already present in … read more »
Price: 6.18€

Morning practice from Auckland

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.
Price: 5.98€

Seeing the God

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Yoga is very ancient. It is the science of humans. We are searching for God in the form. Space and consciousness are endless. Who am I? The Atma. That is the science of Yoga. There are … read more »
Price: 4.01€

Morning practice of Asana and Pranayama from Auckland

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Auckland, New Zealand.Practicing Yoga in Daily Life, Asana and Pranayama with explanation the way how it should be practiced.
Price: 8.47€

The duty of the human

Evening Satsang from Auckland, New Zealand.The opening of the new Yoga In Daily Life Center and Cultural Center of India. What is the duty of the human? Get to know, who are you. All creatures needs love. We have to look … read more »
Price: 4.10€

How to overcome the obstacles of practicing

Evening Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.We can survive for a while without eating, drinking. For supporting our astral body we need to practice every day. In order to reach Manipura Chakra, we should cross the ocean of Svadhishtan Chakra. There are … read more »
Price: 7.89€

Morning practice from Wellington

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Practicing Relaxation, Sarva Hita Asanas, as well as Bari Khatu Pranam
Price: 11.12€

Utilizing the Vajra Nadi

Morning Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Vajra Nadi is balancing the main nerves in our body. For this, we need to have a strong trunk. We have to practice. Vajra Nadi starts between the big toe and second toe. The way how … read more »
Price: 5.52€

Meditation receiving energy from outside

Morning practice with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.Relaxation, asanas, meditation.
Price: 5.97€

Wrong education leads to wrong actions

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington Ashram, New Zealand.The soul is innocent. Problem is with the education. Where is an action there is a reaction. One minute prayer for peace in the world. Devapuriji brought back dead girls to life. Miracles mean blessing. Blessing … read more »
Price: 8.29€

Where can we see God?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Raumati Ashram, New Zealand.Sometimes certain animals are more loyal than man. Sometimes God also disappointed with us. In Vedic time there was only one religion. A story about God and the bamboo. God sometimes cut our ego. A story … read more »
Price: 7.16€

The peace within you

Program at New Zealand Parliament in Wellington.Peace has been lost because of the ego. Peace and joy are within us. If you are not able to find, at least do not destroy others. We are not able to create peace unless there … read more »
Price: 8.28€

Chakras and the Kundalini

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Wellington, New Zealand.We are not able to see the sound, but each of every cell is resonating because of it. Similarly, there is only one God, the highest is present everywhere in the whole universe. The science of … read more »
Price: 5.93€

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