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4043 results found

Bharat Mata Ki Seva

Satsang With Swamiji From Jaipur, India

Give Up Your Ego!

Satsang From Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India

Gurudev Sarana Tumhari

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Bhakti Of Hanuman

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Satsang from Jadan (5/5)

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Satsang from Jadan (4/5)

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Satsang From Jadan (3/5)

Satsang with Swamiji

Satsang From Jaipur (2/5)

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jaipur, India

Satsang From Jaipur(1/5)

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jaipur, India

Nada Yoga

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jaipur, India

Yama and Niyama (10) Ishvara Pranidhana

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 10: Ishvara Pranidhana

Yama and Niyama (9) Svadhyaya - self study

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 9: Svadhyaya, self-study

Yoga and meditation workshop from Raumati

Morning program from weekend seminar in New Zealand from Raumati Sri Devpuriji Ashram.

Yama and Niyama (8) Tapas - self discipline

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 8: Tapas - self discipline

Yama and Niyama (7) Santosha - contentment

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 7: Santosha - contentment

Yama and Niyama (6) Shauca - purity

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 6: Shauca - purity

Yama and Niyama (5) Aparigraha - non possessiveness

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 5: Aparigraha

Yama and Niyama (4) Brahmacharya

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 4 Brahmacharya - chaste and pure way of life

Yama and Niyama (3) Asteya - non stealing

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 3 Asteya non-stealing

The Sound Of Creation

Swamiji's World peace tour, Wellington, NZ.All creation in the whole Universe took place through vibration. The form of the Supreme is sound. It is the vibration which awoke the consciousness in the Universe. It is that resonance which brought conscious and … read more »

Yoga and Meditation Workshop

Morning program with Swami Vivek Puri.Wekend seminar in Wellington Ashram, New Zealand

Yama and Niyama (2) Satya - truthfulness

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 2: Satya

Yama and Niyama (1) Ahimsa - non violence

Swami Gajanandji's lecture series in Strilky on "The 10 Yamas and Niyamas" (from Patanjali's Yogasutras) - part 1: Ahimsa

Mantra Is The Essence Of Prayer

Swamiji's World peace tour, Wellington, NZ.It is ancient Vedic tradition that every new beginning, every new activity starts with the chanting of a certain mantra. Mantra is the compact essence of the prayer. Through prayer we make a direct connection with … read more »

Satsang from San Francisco

Evening satsang.Swamiji gives a very practical introduction on how to practise yoga asanas. He gives good and bad examples the way of practising well-known postures such as bhujangasan(cobra) and dhanurasana(bow).

Yoga Is A 24 Hours Way Of Living

Swamij's World peace tour, Oakland, USA.Yoga shows a complete way of living. Not only health techniques and therapy is the benefit. Yoga principles are unique and offer complete guidance and motivation for our life. We cannot find true and lasting bliss … read more »

Give More Quality To Your Life

Swamiji's World peace tour, New York.Our body needs a gentle care. Yoga exercises gives so much energy and pure quality to our life through the scientifically movements. In yoga there is no challenge, no competition. Everybody should take the benefit. A … read more »

Influence Of The Full Moon

Seminar from New York.The moon has a very great influence on our planet and nature. We humans are not different than the nature. Our health, intellect, emotions and everything is equally influenced by the planets and especially by the … read more »

Spiritual Gardening

Program from Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

Workshop - Understanding the Mind

Workshop with Swamiji from Alexandria, Virginia, USA

Developing Self Confidence

Weekend program with Swamiji, Alexandria, Virginia, US

Yoga Practice and Inner Peace

Swamiji in Alexandria, Virginia, USA

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Eight

Final day of Navaratri with Acharya Rajendra Joshi and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Seven

Navaratri with Acharya Rajendra Joshi and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Six

Navaratri with Acharya Rajendra Joshi and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Five

Navaratri satsang with Acharya Rajendra Yoshi and Swami Gyaneshwarpuriji and bhajan band … read more »

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Four

Navaratri satsang with Acharya Rajendra Yoshi and Swami Gyaneshwarpuriji and bhajan band … read more »

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Three

Navaratri with Acharya Rajendra Joshi and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj

Navratri Program From Jaipur, Part Two

Navaratri with Acharya Rajendra Joshi and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj

Navaratri program from Jaipur, Part One

Navaratri with Rajendra Jain and Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar Maharaj. … read more »

Program from Jaipur

Webcast from Jaipur Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Program from Bratislava

Swamiji's Lecture and Satsang in Bratislava, Slovakia

Yoga Exercises For Women

Yoga Exercises For Women with Dr.Arti.

Morning Satsang From Salzburg

Morning program with Swamiji

Evening Satsang From Salzburg

Evening Satsang with Swamiji from Salzburg, Austria

Morning Practice With Swamiji

Practice and program with Swamiji

Morning Practice

Morning practice from Salzburg

Only The Bhajan Of God Is The Truth

Morning Session from Anusthana Retreat Strilky, Czech Republic.Bhajans are the essence of all Vedas, Upanishads and Holy Scriptures. The highest technique of achievement in yoga and spirituality is the satsang. It is the essence of all which has the content of the entire … read more »

Create Humbleness

Evening Satsang from Mantra Anusthana program Strilky, Czech Republic.How to behave who developed in spirituality? Don't praise your own glory. The great one speaks never great about himself, the diamond never says that it is valuable. The more of spirituality one develops the more … read more »

Bless All - Don't Curse

Morning session from Strilky, Czech Republic.We are slaves and victims of our desires. We can practice many years but if we do not change inwardly nothing will change. Our aim is not what we are feeling or searching. Before we reach … read more »

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