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3996 results found

Morning practice in Bay Area

Morning program with Swamiji in Bay Area, California. … read more »

Working On Inner Happiness

Morning lecture from Yoga in Daily Life center in Bay Area, California.Yoga is the ancient wisdom for modern times. The knowledge and instructions of the great ancient saints, the Rishis, is still valid for our modern life. There are different basic conditions we need to fulfill in … read more »

Water is Life

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Construction of the Talab

Water is Life, Presentation (German with English translation)

Mantra Practice Is The Biggest Blessing

Morning program with Swamiji, Vep, Hungary.Sankalpa Shakti, the formative will, can only be developed if our words are pure and if we have not stored harmful thoughts against ourselves, against others or the outer world. After long time practicing Vak Suddhi … read more »

Body, Mind And Soul In Vedanta Science

Morning Satsang with Swamiji from Vep, Hungary.A very special guest, H.E. Sri Gauri Shankarji Gupta, Ambassador of India to Budapest visited Swamji on the Yoga in Daily Life weekend retreat in Vep, Hungary. Besides Mr.Gupta’s service to the Indian Embassy is he … read more »

Vak Siddhi Comes Through Mantra Japa

Evening program with Swamiji, Vep, Hungary.Many mantras are given to us to use in our everyday life. Practicing spirituality and mantra japa will awake the Anahata Chakra and we will attain the Vak Siddhi. Siddhi means a perfection and Vak means … read more »

Five Levels Of Mantra Japa

Morning program with Swamiji, Vep, Hungary.The chanting of a mantra, the repetition of the Divine name is known as mantra japa. By repetition of the mantra gets the mind controlled. Yogic practices such as japa energize the vital force, stills the … read more »

Mantra Is A Divine Language

Evening program with Swamiji, Vep, Hungary.It is the quality which makes a good or a bad human. If we bring the darkness into the light, the darkness will disappear. If we have Guru bhakti and the realization of Gurudev, then the … read more »

Yoga Knowledge, Yoga Paths, Yoga Wisdom

Evening program with Swamiji from Bratislava, Slovakia.Yoga is a way of life. The science of Yoga was given by Lord Shiva for the wellbeing of humans. We have to know and to learn more about Mantra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti … read more »

OM Deep Jyoti

Evening program with Swamiji from Strilky.Deep is the lamp and jyoti is the flame. The flame is our wisdom. We keep our knowledge for the world to give the light to others. The light of good suggestion, the light of kindness, … read more »

Principles Of Anusthana

Morning program with Swamiji from Strilky.Anusthana is a spiritual discipline involving the meditative repetition of the mantra for a period of time. There are basic rules for the anusthana which should be followed. By mantra japa, we can attain the peace … read more »

The World Needs Spiritual Light

Evening program with Swamiji from Strilky.The world needs spiritual education. Spiritual educated is that one who understands the others pain and troubles. The world needs spiritual light and spiritual people. Spirituality is not a particular way of religion. Spirituality means purity. … read more »

Life Is Full Of Desires

Program with Swamiji from Strilky.Our life is full of desires and that's why we are struggling. Mantra is that which can liberate us. When our mind is satisfied, then the mind can help us and become our best friend. Sometimes … read more »

Mantra Has Many Meanings

Satsang with Swamiji from Strilky.Unless we do not understand the meaning we cannot realize. MAN is the mind and TRA means satisfaction. Our mind is mighty. He can destroy us or protect us. He can lead us to the hell … read more »

Do The Inner Work

Goodbye Satsang with Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic.The entire universe is working. The planets, the nature, the five elements, the seasons and our body. Everything is constantly working and none of them have a resting day. It is one of the principles of … read more »

Divine Energy In Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram

Evening program from Strilky.Yoga summer seminars and retreats with participants from all over the world are held in Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram in Strilky. This spiritual center is well known among students and practitioners of Yoga in Daily Life and … read more »

Mantra Is Leading You

Morning program from Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram Strilky, Czech Republic.Mantra is the light which leads us. Mantra is that fire which burns the seeds of our karmas. It is a good remedy against stress, we will become calm and relaxed. Mantra recharges our energy battery. … read more »

Bija Mantra Is The Essence

Afternoon program from Strilky.Czech. A mantra is a sound, a syllable, a word or group of words that is considered capable of creating transformation. A bija mantra represents the essence of a mantra and is like a seed which … read more »

Effect Of The Mantra

Morning program from Strilky.If we are thinking a word, it is circulating in our brain. This vibration is traveling throughout the whole physical, mental and astral body. When one sound is reaching our individual phenomenon, the brain is checking … read more »

Bathing In The River Of Knowledge

Afternoon program from Strilky, Czech Republic.Those who come to the satsangs are bathing in the river of knowledge. There are different ways to produce karmas. Our actions, the karmas, have an effect on our body, mind and consciousness. Every action has … read more »

The Flow of Blessing, Joy and Happines

Morning Satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic.To make a pilgrimage, to make a journey to holy places, doing Parikrama and getting the darshan of realized masters, all this creates a special vibration if the bhakta comes with devotion and love. The aura … read more »

We Should Have A Destination

Evening Satsang from Strilky, Czech Republic.There are two kinds of people. One are very clear, they have an aim and a destination. Others like to read a lot and are developing only the intellect. Reading is not bad if we can … read more »

Sri Swami Madhavananda Austria Hospital Project in India

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.For us, living in the West are good health services and medical care a matter of course, but not so in the remote desert area of Rajasthan in India. The Sri Swami Madhavananda Austria Hospital Project, … read more »

The First Happiness Is Good Health

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.Our health depends on how and what we eat. Whatever we take in, it affects entirely our body systems and our way of thinking. A sattvic nourishment is beneficial to the body. The sattvic diet is … read more »

Children Are The Future Of Tomorrow

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.Where there are humans, there is also culture and spirituality. The culture moves with the humans. Culture is travelling round the world. Culture prepares the humans and gives the education to the youth. Cultural education comes … read more »

When Will You Fill My Cup Of Love?

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.Swamiji translates one of Holy Guruji's bhajans: Prema ka pyala hari kaba mera bharase - O Lord, when will you fill my cup of love? I am the beggar on your door day and night and … read more »

Satsang Is Within You

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.Many great saints incarnated on the earth because of seva, the selfless service. Seva is the greatest thing in our life we can do. There are many black spots on our mind. Our own thinking is … read more »

Experiences of the Rishis

Evening Satsang from Jadan, India.The Rishis are known as the seers, hermits and sages of ancient India to whom the hymns of the Vedas were revealed. Their knowledge and wisdom was a great gift for the entire world. They found … read more »

Blessing Is A Universal Power

Evening Satsang with Swamiji from Jadan, India.Blessings have always immense of power. Everything is possible through the blessing. We remember very well the story of the great sage Markandeya Rishi, who gained a long and healthy life through the blessings. It is … read more »

Governing The Spiritual Light

Evening lecture from Wellington, New Zealand.Bhaktas, Sadhus and Saints are governing the spiritual energy, the spiritual light. The spiritual light does not need to introduce that it is spiritual. It touches our body, our soul, our consciousness and our thoughts. We … read more »

Yama and Dharmaraja

Evening lecture from Wellington, New Zealand.In Hinduism, Dharmaraja is the Lord of justice. He is keeping the complete records of all the actions of human beings. Good actions as well as bad ones. Yamaraja is the king of death. He is … read more »

Guru And Mansic Puja

Lecture by Swami Hari Puri from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India

Blessings of Gurudev

Morning lecture from Wellington, New Zealand.Many misunderstandings are connected with the word Guru. What means Guru? Guru is simply a teacher, a master. Our whole life we are guided by teachers. Our first teachers are mother and father. As we grow … read more »

Divine Lila, Gods Play

Evening Satsang from Wellington, New Zealand.Lila is a way of describing all reality, including the cosmos as the outcome of creative play by the divine. Lila also refers more simply to the activities of God and his devotees. Sri Krishna was … read more »

Siddha Purusha Sri Devpuriji. The Perfect Master. Part 3.

Morning lecture by Swamiji from Wellington, New Zealand.The light, the energy and beauty of Lord Shiva is expressed in bhagavan Sri Devpuriji. His glory is also described by great saints in their bhajans. They express the longing for the divine and their feelings … read more »

Evening Meditation guided by Swamiji

Evening program from Wellington, New Zealand.Meditation brings the inner peace, physical peace, mental peace and peace into the soul. Every meditation should be practiced with the guru mantra we received from our master. A meditation without mantra is like a body … read more »

Darshan. Visions Of The Divine

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Wellington, New Zealand.Swamiji translates the bhajan, Itna to karna Guruji. In this, one bhakta says - O Gurudev, grant me just this, give me your darshan. Appear before me, I am caught in the net of Maya. Come … read more »

Siddha Purusha Sri Devpuriji. The Perfect Master. Part 2.

Morning lecture by Swamiji from Wellington, New Zealand.After receiving the initiation from his master Param Mahasiddha Avatar Sri Alakhpuriji, one of the great Siddhas or Rishis of Satya Loka, the highest cosmic level of absolute Truth and Reality, who are the protectors of … read more »

Be Under His Shelter

Evening lecture by Swamiji from Wellington, New Zealand.If one wants to see God, a aspirant or spiritual seeker would say: Lord, now after trying so many things, finally I surrender all into your hands. The responsibility of my life, if I will be … read more »

Siddha Purusha Sri Devpuriji. The Perfect Master

Morning program with Swamiji from Wellington NZ.A Siddha is one who is accomplished and refers to perfected masters. Sri Devpuriji belongs to a spiritual lineage of great masters which origin is Lord Shiva himself. Paramyogeshwar Sri Devpuriji is revered as an incarnation … read more »

Greatness of His Name

Satsang with Swamiji from Wellington, NZ.In the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of Sikhism, it is said: The name of the Gurudev is a boat and who sit in will cross the ocean. If you sit with faith and confidence … read more »

Presentation about Roti/Chapati, Jadan Ashram

About Roti/Chapati (Flat Indian Bread)

Practicing Khatu Pranam, Part 2

Morning practice with Swamiji, Khatu Pranam, Part 2 When practicing the Yoga in Daily Life Khatu Pranam exercise series, one can feel the peace, the harmony and the oneness.It is not like any gymnastic .It is Yoga. And especially Yoga in Daily Life. Practitioners should have the understanding for the value of the exercises. When practicing, then the physical, mental and emotional harmony can … read more »

Practicing Khatu Pranam, Part 1

Practicing Khatu Pranam with Swamiji, practice and explanations, Wellington.This exercise series, which harmonizes body, mind and soul, is the outcome of research and experience extending over many years. In the initial stage of practice, focus is given to the physical benefits. Khatu Pranam strengthens, … read more »

Love Between Master And Disciple

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Wellington.Swamiji remembers his master, Sri Swami Madhavananda Ji, also called Holy Guruji. In the holy scriptures, the love between a master and his disciples is described as something divine and extraordinary. The love of Gurudev only … read more »

Gyana Ganga

Satsangs with Swamiji from Wellington.Ganga means not only the river, it means also to listen to beautiful lectures of divinity and wisdom. Ganga is the divine mother, coming from Brahma Loka. Gyana means knowledge. It is that knowledge which a … read more »

Real Yoga Begins With Satsang

Evening lecture by Swamiji from Wellington, New Zealand .Yoga is not simply the asanas and pranayamas which we are performing every day. This is only primarily. Yoga is that Tattva, that principle which balances and harmonizes. Nothing is older than that. Yoga is not … read more »

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