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Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal
Shri Kedareshwar Mahadev Mani Temple In Nepal /2
Satsang at ancient Shri Kedareshwar Mahadev Mani temple in Pokhara, Nepal.This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Swamiji tells one episode from Mahabharata about the five Pandhavas. Bhaktas always goes to the temple or to have the darshan of the saints. It is said: When we … read more »
Seva And Ahimsa Is Love
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Seva, selfless service and ahimsa, the love to all living beings and plants, is the best practice to purify all our koshas, the five coverings of the Atman, the Self. Karma Yoga is selfless service and … read more »
Shri Kedareshwar Mahadev Mani Temple In Nepal /1
Satsang with Swamiji at Shri Kedareshwar Mahadev Mani temple in Pokhara, Nepal.Shakti is the divine energy which is maintaining, balancing uniting and harmonizing between space and consciousness and that is called Yoga. Yoga is not only the exercises what we find in the books. It is the … read more »
Impressions from Nepal - The Walk to Shivas Temple
Walk to Shiva Temple, Pokhara, Nepal.
Practice Humbleness
The Vigyanmaya Kosha is also known as the sheath of intelligence, the knowledge, the learning, the wisdom.There are two kinds of wisdom. Apara Vidya, with this we are learning everything for our life and existence in this world. It is temporary. After the life, it will disappear. Para Vidya helps the soul … read more »
Swamiji in Shiva Temple in Pokhara (1/3)
Swamiji in Shiva Temple in Pokhara, Nepal.
Impression from Nepal - The Shiva Temple
Swamiji in Shiva Temple in Pokhara, Nepal.
When The Light Comes - Darkness Disappears
We are worrying so much.We are attached to many things and we have the feeling of my and yours. This is the problem in the whole world. Selfishness appears and we do not use our viveka. In the whole world … read more »
Peace should come first within us
Satsang from Jadan ashram with Swami Jasraj Puri Ji Christmas in Australia is in the middle of the summer, in Europe it looks completely different.But the essence is the same. Come together, sharing time with friends, family, and mainly with children. It has spiritual essence, concerning love, devotion, bhakti. You cant make somebody to feel what you feel. There is … read more »
Intellect needs proper guidance
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Jivatma got human body. The human existence is endless. Powers are existing in the universe are existing in the human body. Human intellect is very powerfull, creative, needs discipline. Your intellect, vigyanamaya kosha will lead you … read more »
Our Mind Can Turn Everything Up Side Down
Our mind is very mighty.He generally coordinates between the consciousness and sub consciousness and is working in the present time from the past time. He brings all different thoughts in form of vrittis which were hidden in our sub consciousness. … read more »
The 5 Koshas - The Layers of the Body
We have five different layers on the body which are covering our soul.The soul is the reflection of the Atman and is known as Jivatman. There are many layers between Atman and the pure Jivatman. This layers are the different bodies which we have to develop. They are … read more »
Birth of Lord Rama
Lecture by Swami Niranjanji with Czech translation
The way, we are able to reach the God
Morning satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Coming from Satyaloka Satguru gives the Satsang to achive the goal of the human life and to develop divine qualities. With Satsang, Sant- Darshan and Guru - seva we avake divine shakti in ourself. From the … read more »
Jadan Ashram Presentation
Shree Deveshwar Mahadev Mandir in Jadan Ashram.Presentation by Swami Niranjanji with Hungarian translation
Atha Yoga Anushasanam
Morning satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Lecture by Swamiji about Annapurna, the Mother of nourishment. Jivatma enters into the seed in the form of light. It is God, who are giving. Quality of nourishment is also important. Humans create different kinds of … read more »
The science of pranayama
Swamijis lecture about pranayama from Nepal.Swamiji speaks about three pranayamas according to classical meaning as well as about other technics of pranayama. Practicing pranayama leads nourishing and purification of the body.
Selfless service
Satsang from Jadan with Swami Premanandji with Hungarian translation
We can not divide the Love
Morning satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Yoga means the union, harmony, understanding. It is the wisdom, the way to God. We cant divide God. We cant divide spirituallity and love. Duality takes place in the mind of the selfish humans. They create … read more »
Satsang from Jadan Ashram
Satsang with Swami Jasraj, Czech translation, Jadan Ashram.
Practicing Yoga for health
Afternoon satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.Yoga has been designed by the great Saints of India for the well being of the humans, for the health. Great yogis renew, the humans are responsible for this planet. They should maintain peace, harmony, love … read more »
Stillness is in the centre
Swami Premanandji giving Satsang with Czech translation
Live bhajans from Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi celebration in Jadan
Live bhajans from Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi celebration in Jadan
Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi celebration from Nepal
Evening satsang with Swamiji on the occasion of Sri Mahaprabhuji's mahasamadhi.
Mahaprabuji is light
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal on the occasion of the mahasamadhi of Sri Dip Narayan Mahaprabhuji.
Sri Valmiki and Tulsidasji
Sw.Niranjan Puri speaks about Holy Ramajana with Czech translation
Organic gardening from Jadan Ashram, Presentation
"The Organic Gardening in Jadan Ashram" by Pushpa with Czech translation
Stories about life in Ashram
Satsang from Jadan, Czech translation
It is easy to get jealous
Satsang with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puri Ji with Hungarian translation from Jadan Ashram.It so easy to get jealous even if you feel good. Mind is always looking what everyone else is doing. Like children would like to play with others toy. You shouldnt fight with the present. When … read more »
Dedicated work for the Ashram
Satsang with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puri Ji with Hungarian translation from Jadan Ashram.Work with dedication and love. You can work for the money, or only on formal way. But you should work with that feeling, that you are doing something very special. In this way every moment will … read more »
The benefit of giving
Satsang with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puri Ji with Hungarian translation from Jadan Ashram.We should keep alive the old traditions how to help animals, how to protect nature. We should do seva.
Jadan Ashram Presentation
Satsang with Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jasraj Puri Ji with Czech translation from Jadan Ashram.General introduction of Jadan Ashram facilities and activities.
Sri Ram Jaya Ram, Ramayana
Live webcast from Jadan Ashram, Czech translation.Swami Niranjan Puri speaks about Holy Ramayana.
Be humble
Satsang from Jadan Ashram on the occasion of Mahasamadhi of Bhagvan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji.Remembering Him with His Golden Teachings.
Satsang on the occasion of the 48. anniversary of Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi
Satsang with Swamiji for Mahasamadhi of Bhagvan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji The most divine tattva is called Guru tattva.This mortal world is Mithya, Gu. Brahma tattva is Ru. Nimit avatar is Brahma Jyoti, or Satya Jyoti incarnates to liberate bhaktas and protect the Dharma. Only the bhaktas can understand, in whom there is burning … read more »
Mahaprabhuji is living inside of us
Satsang from Vienna on the occasion of Mahasamadhi of Bhagvan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji Sadhvi Shanti shares us Her feelings and experience concernig our Masters and the Mahasamadhi day."All of you are connected with Mahapraphuji"
Mantras and sanskrit slokas
Satsang from Jadan Ashram with Hungarian translation.Mantras firstly recorded in Vedas, they are coming from the Universe received and wrote down by the Rishis on the sanskrit language. By repeatnig Mantras and Slokas, we are reaching our aim.
You are with Me always, and I am with you
Good bye satsang of the weekend Seminar in Strilky with Swami Gajanandji.Remembernig Mahasamadhi of Bhagvan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji with the help of the words from Lila Amrit. How is it possible to communicate with Guru after physical form is dissolved? Mahaprabhuji is Deep. Divine light. The … read more »
Satsang from Strilky on the occasion of Mahaprabuji Mahasamadhi
Satsang from the weekend seminar in Strilky on the occasion of Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi. … read more »
It is easy to get upset
Satsang from Jadan Ashram with M.M. Swami Jasrajpuri, Hungarian translation
Life of Mahaprabuji
Opening Satsang with Swami Gajanandji from the weekend seminar in Strilky on the occasion of Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi.
Recognizing good qualities
Webcast of evening satsang with swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.When being attentive, we recognize the qualities around us. Everything and everybody radiates his quality. When we observe the light of a candle, we feel the peace, the calmness and tranquility. In contrast to that, when … read more »
We are here to learn
Evening satsang with Swami Yogesh Puriji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India in Slovenian language.
Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram
Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.
Aj Hai Ananda Mere Sataguru Aye - Bhajan
Eevening satsang with Swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.If we are focused on technical and intellectual matters only, we miss to develop our devotion and we are missing opening our self. Opening our heart and connecting to the Parampara, to the masters lineage, which … read more »
Real stories about Sri Mahaprabhuji
Evening satsang with swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.The life of the great Indian Saint, Sri Mahaprabhuji is well described in the book Lila Amrit. For our western mind, some of the stories are hard to believe, and we think that they are just … read more »
Meditation comes from Lord Shiva
Satsang with Swamiji from Holy mountain Annapurna, the Himalayas.Meditation is one of the best and prime techniques of Yoga. All the saints from the Himalayas and different parts of the world are meditating. Meditation means to research oneself. Living in this modern civilization we … read more »
The perfect moment may never come
We are always waiting for the perfect time, the perfect moment, the perfect offer and so on.But that what we have now, it is perfect. The present moment is perfect and the perfect moment to do, is always now. Whatever we have in front of us, it is now. It is the … read more »
Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal
Afternoon satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.