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4043 results found

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.

Aj Hai Ananda Mere Sataguru Aye - Bhajan

Eevening satsang with Swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.If we are focused on technical and intellectual matters only, we miss to develop our devotion and we are missing opening our self. Opening our heart and connecting to the Parampara, to the masters lineage, which … read more »

Real stories about Sri Mahaprabhuji

Evening satsang with swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.The life of the great Indian Saint, Sri Mahaprabhuji is well described in the book Lila Amrit. For our western mind, some of the stories are hard to believe, and we think that they are just … read more »

Meditation comes from Lord Shiva

Satsang with Swamiji from Holy mountain Annapurna, the Himalayas.Meditation is one of the best and prime techniques of Yoga. All the saints from the Himalayas and different parts of the world are meditating. Meditation means to research oneself. Living in this modern civilization we … read more »

The perfect moment may never come

We are always waiting for the perfect time, the perfect moment, the perfect offer and so on.But that what we have now, it is perfect. The present moment is perfect and the perfect moment to do, is always now. Whatever we have in front of us, it is now. It is the … read more »

Satsang with Swamiji from Nepal

Afternoon satsang with Swamiji from Nepal.

Shiva Manasa Puja

Satsang with Swami Jasraj from Jadan, India Shiva Manasa Puja is a mental worship of Lord Shiva.It is in the form of a prayer by a devotee who imagines in his mind all the offerings and rituals prescribed in a puja and offers them to Lord Shiva with faith and devotion. Our … read more »

Worship Lord Shiva

Satsang with Swami Niranjan Puriji in Hungarian translation.Chant and explanation of the - Shiva Pancaksara Stotram, - Song to the Five Sacred Syllables of Lord Shiva.Composed by the great Saint Adi Shankara. It is describing the meaning of the - Om Namah Shivaya … read more »

Every spiritual place has something special

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram with Hungarian translation.When coming to a spiritual place, we can appreciate that there is something special. What is it, what makes the place so special? No matter of the religion, everybody who comes can feel, that it is … read more »

We are all one

Different practices come back to the same essence.There is only one reality according to Veda and Upanishads. This ultimate unity is there, when we come together for Satsang.

The Living Light of God - Indian Saints

Satsang with Swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram.Saints are here to give us the light for our path. The Guru gives us the light so that we can go on, that we can continue our journey more safely. If we are not applying … read more »

He Is Not Far If We Have Inner Connection

If the master is physically with us or maybe he is far, it is according to our self, our inner thoughts.If we are far or near from him, this is up to us. It is our love, our application where we stand with him. According to that we can get his blessing and the guidance. It … read more »

YIDL Teacher seminar Strilky 3

Webcast from YIDL teachers seminar in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Speaking out about our master

YIDL teachers seminar in Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.In this extraordinary 4-hour Satsang, first Swami Gajanand is reading from an old, very little known German book, how Swamiji described his first Samadhi experiences in the years 1968-72. Then some disciples started sharing their personal … read more »

Find the cause of your problems, Part 1

Evening satsang from Jadan with Swami Jasraj, Ashram, Rajasthan, India.When we cannot digest changes in our lifes circumstances, our daily routine and habits, then our body and mind reacts in a special way and we may have problems with our physical or mental health. When … read more »

Yoga breathing

Lecture by Swami Gajanand about Yoga breathing

What Is Love?

Evening satsang with Swami Yogesh Puriji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.When we are full of Love, when we are filled with Love, then there is nothing what we cannot do. We are expanding. We are getting strength. We are radiating happiness. We can move the mountains … read more »

Time in Ashram is time for change

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Children Are The Future Of The Country

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Children Day, as an event, is celebrated on various days in many places around the world, in particular to honor children. Major global variants include a Universal Children's Day on November 20 by United Nations recommendation. … read more »

Are We Open Enough To Listen?

Evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.When we are talking to somebody, questioning something, then we have in our own mind already the thought, how the answer should be. What chance do we give to the other side, to the answer which … read more »

Find The Point Of Stillness

Practicing Asanas brings us good health.It brings us flexibility. It can reduce problems which we have in our body. It can release energy within the body. It can release tension. But the most important part of the Asanas is, that it … read more »

Search for direction

Satsang with Swami Jasraj from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

We Have Karmic Relations

Karma is the concept of action or deed, understood as that, which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect.Our karmas have an effect on us and others. Everything what happens to us in our life, everything what happens to us and our family is a karmic relation. Whenever we have a connection to another … read more »

Bharat Is The Holy Land

Numerous of God incarnations, Rishis and Saints, took place on the soil of Bharat, India.Holy Guruji wrote in one of his bhajans: my salutation to this divine land Bharat, where one can have the darshan of the Sataguru. All the spiritual techniques, prayers, meditation, Yoga, researches about astrology, astronomy, the … read more »

Love, Serve, Meditate and Realize

We are fortunate that we got a human life.To awake the human qualities, for that we need a great blessing, a great guidance and a safe shelter like the shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Mahaprabhuji. Laziness is our enemy and we are … read more »

Festivals remind us to share

All kind of festivals has different meanings.First of all, it is to maintain the social relation. Each festival remind us to a particular background why or for what this festival is celebrated. Every festival should be connected with spirituality. Culture is a … read more »

This is it. Voices from the Ashram

Destiny and past Karmas are bringing us to the right place in our life.Volunteers and Karma Yogis from all over the world, which are living in Jadan Ashram for a longer time, are sharing their personal experiences. They speak about the different aspects of living in the Ashram. They … read more »

Mahasamadhi Day of Sri Swami Madhavananda Ji

Live webcast of evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan India.The webcast will continue with some interruptions for about 16 hours.

Go slowly but continuously

Evening satsang with Swamiji from Jadan ashram, India As long as we have the path, as long as we are on our journey, we have not achieved our enlightenment or self realization.As long as we have the path, or direction, it means still, that we are not on our destination. When we will have achieved the destination, the path will be finished. No more path. In our … read more »

Only Love Can Lead You

Everything becomes smooth if we have clarity.Everything becomes complicated, uncomfortable and hard, if we do not have that clarity. If we ignore our past karmas, it is our own decision. But we have to purify those seeds which are lying in the … read more »

The world is full of miracles

Satsang with Swamiji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Everything is given for a moment only. We are very attached to our feelings, but we cannot give up. The moon is connected with our emotions and mental activities. The moon is constantly changing and similarly … read more »

Closing Satsang from Diwali seminar

Goodbye Satsang from the Diwali seminar in Strilky Ashram

Maharishi Valmiki and Swami Tulsidasji

Evening Satsang with Sadhvi Parvati, Strilky ashram … read more »

Removing obstacles

Satsang with Sadhvi Shanti, Jadan ashram, India

Master and Disciple

Satsang by Swami Yogesh Puriji from Jadan Ashram, India.Lecture about Guru and disciple relationship.

Mahaprabhuji Divine Incarnation

Explanation and singing of a bhajan about Mahaprabhuji.

Satsang from Strilky - Diwali

Satsang with Swami Gajanandji and Sadvi Parvati from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Find the way to the light

Brahman Prakash is the light of Brahman.That light is in every star, in every planet, in every creature, in the vegetation. That light of the Brahman is the truth. We are swimming in the ocean of the ignorance. As long as we … read more »

The Light of Diwali and Joy of Life

God comes to protect everyone.The entire creature is the child of the God. Diwali is celebrated to honor God Rama. It is the Day of the Light. Light means love. Light means consciousness. It means the wisdom. It is our … read more »

Webcast from Vienna Ashram

Evening satsang with Swami Premanand from Vienna Ashram, Austria.

Diwali satsang from Jadan

Webcast of Diwali evening satsang from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Deepavali or Diwali is popularly known as the festival of lights. The name Diwali means a row of lamps. Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil to signify the triumph of good … read more »

Mudras and Bandhas

Swamijis lecture from Melbourne There are different forms of the agni, the fire.Physical visible, as well as invisible to the eyes. Mudras and bandhas are a fundamental form of the yoga practice. A mudra is a symbolic or ritual gesture. Some mudras involve the entire body, most are … read more »

Spirituality and Religion

Evening satsang from Brisbane, Australia.The divine science of Yoga is more connected to the spirituality. It is the science of body, mind, consciousness and soul. Yoga is very ancient. The Yoga Shakti accompanied by the spiritual light, began according to … read more »

Yoga and spirituality

Evening Satsang with Swamiji from Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Swami Gajanand in Bratislava

Swami Gajanand in Bratislava, Slovakia - Yoga Teacher seminar - "Pranayama"

Manipulating the Time is like Jetlag

Swamiji's morning lecture from Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Australia.The time in the universe or cosmic time is calculated in Vedic astrology. The rest of the time is man made time. We manipulate the time which we call summertime or wintertime. Daylight saving time is … read more »

Pranayama Part 2

Swami Gajanand in Bratislava, Slovakia - Yoga Teacher seminarGeneral theory to understand what is Pranayama Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the breath.Prana means breath, ayam means to control, to regulate. With each breath we absorb not only oxygen, but also Prana. Prana is cosmic energy, the power in the Universe that creates, preserves and changes. It is … read more »

Pranayama Part 1

Swami Gajanand in Bratislava, Slovakia - Yoga Teacher seminar - General understanding of Pranayama Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the breath.Prana means breath, ayam means to control, to regulate. With each breath we absorb not only oxygen, but also Prana. Prana is cosmic energy, the power in the Universe that creates, preserves and changes. It is … read more »

Lead a Life without Stress

Prevention is far better than treatment.With our inner problems we are creating the stress. Through practicing Yoga, we are purifying our unnecessarily thoughts, which are obstacles for us on our own path and that will not let us go further. The … read more »

Yoga teacher seminar with Gajanand

Swami Gajanand in Bratislava, Slovakia - Yoga Teacher seminar - Breath.

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