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4043 results found

Beauty is in our heart

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Yogis don't eat meat and don't drink alcohol. Nowadays there are many people in the world who don't eat meat. Practising Bari Khatu Pranam, relaxation, concentration om tha navel, bhramari pranayama and concentration on the heart. … read more »

Bhajan Singing from Jadan

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

Practising from Jadan

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Practising Bari Khatu Pranam.

It is good if we are as we are

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Brahma, Vishnu and Bhagawan Shiva. They are always there for us, we hold them in our hearts. The family members are waiting for the arrival of the child with love. The family is united. We should … read more »

We are all disciples

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.We are all disciples. No matter what country we live in. The story of Mangilalji and Sri Mahaprabhuji. Singing of bhajans.

You are in me

Evening Satsang with H.H. Vishwaguruji from Vienna, Austria. Bhajan singing. We can take a part of the prasad bring it home and eat one piece every day. The story of a Guruji and a man who wants to know … read more »

Satsang from Jaipur

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jaipur Ashram, Rajasthan, India.

How to sing bhajans?

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.You all sing the bhajans very well but you should sing them a little bit like the Indians do. Singing the Yogi Jano Ki Yoga Nindra bhajan. Besides singing, it is also very good to know … read more »

Sataguru hurt me with the arrow of knowledge

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Vishwguruji's explanation of how to sit properly on the satsang. If we sit in the right arrangement, everyone can see well. Singing and translation of the bhajan Kya Tuma Jano Hal Hamara.

We must remain strong and clean

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.Why did God create the world? People kill each other because they still have animal qualities. Even now we don't know what's in our minds. All religions have pure and good thoughts. Jesus did not eat … read more »

Bhajans with Swami Gajanandji

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

We are Humans

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

The opening of Om Ashram is coming soon

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Today was a wonderful day because it snowed. The snow is pure and white. Yesterday we practiced the system of Yoga in Daily Life. Practicing at home gives you strength. Practicing the system every day is … read more »

Bhajan Singing from from Strilky

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Evening Satsang from Strilky

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Practise every morning

Evening Satsang with H.H. Vishwaguruji from Vienna, Austria. Every religions have they mantras and prayers. Mouslime peoople also pray and practice faithfully but they see God from an other viewpoint. After wake up at first we should know that … read more »

You and me are one

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.God gave us our bodies. There are creatures living in the air in the ocean and on the earth. The story of Vishwaguruji from a young age took a trip in a forest near Viena. The … read more »

The basics of ancient Indian philosophy

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.If somebody needs and gets an organ from another person this man got some new habits also from the donor.

Eat seasonal and alkaline food

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.We eat too much during our holidays. Our environment is very much polluted. Fruits and waters are not healthy anymore. We should design our diet according to the seasons. We should plan our actions on daily … read more »

We should be good for others

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Austria.The story of Vishwaguruji and Radha visiting a family in a forest in winter. Many animals came into the house because it was very cold and the host went out to give place to them. If … read more »

Practising Bari Khatu Pranam

Practicing Bhari Khatu Pranam.Guruji Ashram, Vienna, Austria.

Mother and father

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Guruji Ashram, Austria.Bhajan singing. We respect first the woman, the mother. Vishwaguruji tells the story of his parents. It is very good if we have children and they also practice yoga. Father is also very good because he … read more »

Never give up!

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Villach, Austria.I remember something. Once Holy Guruji gave a lecture and told a story. More and more people and animals came into the little house to avoid the cold. The host preferred to go out himself so … read more »

Bhajan singing from Villach

Evening program with Vishwaguruji from Villach, Austria.Bhajans.

There are very much good people everywhere

Evening satsang with H.H. Vishwaguruji from Vienna, Austria. We learned and understood many things but we should be humble. Everybody comes we should be polite for him. At the begining Vishwaguruji went to Czecholslowakia and Hungary behind the iron … read more »

Enjoy your life and don't eat meat

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Villach, Austria.Vishwaguruji is remembering his first coming to Europe. At that time people eat meat here. Life began in the ocean and then on the earth. Every creature consists of five elements. When we are born our … read more »

Practicing from Villach

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Villach, Austria.Asana practice.

Yoga is One

Morning program with Vishwaguruji from Villach, Austria.There is only one type of yoga that yogis practice. There are many different paths, many different masters, all of whom we respect. We have to practice Yoga in Daily Life. The first thing in yoga … read more »

At the roots of our Parampara

Evening satsang from Himalaya.Swami Dyaneswarpuri said that we should use our name Yoga in Daily Lide otherwise somebody else will do it. It is a big oportunity to visit in Badrinath with Vishwaguruji which is a very importana pilgrimage … read more »

Webcast from Jaipur

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Our life is a chance

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Badrinath, Hiamalaya, India.Svargaloka is the Heaven Narakaloka is the Hell. Brahmaloka is above them. Every creatures knows what is God. Animals also feel the dawn and the sunset. Human is the most cruel creature of the world. Earth … read more »

Become one with the energy of Bhagawan

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Badrinath, Himalaya, India.There is not easy to achive a spiritual pilgrimage. A story of how a seed can become a fruit. In ancient times it was harder to get to Badrinath. We can feel the divine energy near … read more »

We have to go on that path

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Himalaya.Sri Alakhpuriji Cave. Here is the place of peace and happiness. Alakhpuriji has given us his carana amrit. Bhagirati's disciple was Ganga and Alakhpuriji's disciple was Nanda Devi. Singing and explanation of bhajan or arati Sri … read more »

Coming here is like coming to a Temple

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram.Indian Ambassador of Czech Republic gives a speech. I am the official ambassador but Swamiji is the permanent ambassador fo India. Temple is a place where we experience spirituality. When I am in Strilky I feel … read more »

Bhajans from Strilky

Bhajan singing from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.

Morning practice from Strilky

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Practice.

Vishwaguruji's first visits to Czechoslovakia

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.The first time I went to Czechoslovakia, it was still a communist country, and the devotees in Vienna were afraid of me and told me not to go. But I wanted to go and some people … read more »

Bhajan evening from Strilky Ashram with Vishwaguruji

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Strilky Ashram, Czech Republic.Bhajan singing. We worship Brahma Visnu Siva Krishna and Rukmani also. Bhajan singing again. Short meditation.

The relation between Guru and disciple

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Jadan Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Holy Guruji and Sri Mahaprabhuji meeting in Jodhpur. How bhajans are performed in India and around the world. Guru and disciple are always in connection with each other. Just as the relationship between mother and child … read more »

Bhajan singing from Vep

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.Bhajan singing. Translation of the bhajan "Itna to karana Guruji"

Introduction to the chakras

Morning satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vep, Hungary.When we get tired, we fall asleep. Then we retreat into ourselves, forget our worries. The other possibility is to relax completely and immerse ourselves in something very good. We go far away, for example to … read more »

Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi Celebration (3/3)

Satsang with Vishwaguruji in Om Ashram, Jadan village, Pali District, Rajasthan, India.Several hours of Bhajans.

Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi Celebration (2/3)

Satsang with Vishwaguruji in Om Ashram, Jadan village, Pali District, Rajasthan, India.Several hours of Bhajans.

Mahaprabhuji's Mahasamadhi Celebration (1/3)

Satsang with Vishwaguruji in Om Ashram, Jadan village, Pali District, Rajasthan, India.Several hours of Bhajans.

Around the world - Inauguration Nandeshwar

Arrival of Nandeshwar to Om Ashram.Jadan, Rajasthan, India.

We all will come to oneness

Evening satsang with Vishwaguruji from Vienna, Austria.Everybody can do puja at the altar. There is God on the altar. We are equal but we should give respect newcomers also. We should give something to eat to the people to come to our … read more »

Around the world - Bhajans from Kailash(3/3)

Evening satsang from Kaliash Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhajans on the occasion of Sri Devpuriji Mahasamadhi.

Around the world - Bhajans from Kailash(2/3)

Evening satsang from Kaliash Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhajans on the occasion of Sri Devpuriji Mahasamadhi.

Around the world - Bhajans from Kailash(1/3)

Evening satsang from Kaliash Ashram, Rajasthan, India.Bhajans on the occasion of Sri Devpuriji Mahasamadhi.

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