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4043 results found

Around the world - Yoga Class of Level 5, Zagreb, CRO (2/2)

Yoga in Daily Life Class of Level 5 at Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, Croatia, January 2011

Around the world - Yoga Class of Level 5, Zagreb, CRO (1/2)

Yoga in Daily Life Class of Level 5 at Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, Croatia, January 2011

Around the world - Yoga Class of Level 3, Zagreb, CRO

Yoga in Daily Life Class of Level 3 at Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, Croatia, January 2011

Resonance is everywhere, resonance is life, Adelaide

Jivana Jyoti is the light of our life.In our heart is a beautiful flame. That is the life light. In the Upanishads it is said: In the heart there is a tiny cave and in this cave is a beautiful blue light. That … read more »

Life is a dream

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

God needs only love

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Ekant vas and anusthan, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Satya Yuga and Kali Yuga is within you, Sunshine Coast

Kirtans and Bhajans open the Satsang.There are two kinds of Kali Yuga: The first according to the time, the Vedic Yugas. The second is within ourselves when we have negative qualities - like hate - jealous - greed - anger - … read more »

The Eternal Journey, Sunshine Coast

Ram Navami is the day of Lord Rama's incarnation.The Ramayana, written by Saint Valmiki and the Ramcharitmanas, written by Saint Tulsidas are describing Lord Rama's life. Swamiji speaks about the creation of the Universe, Shiva, Shakti and Consciousness. The endless Universe and millions of … read more »

How to gain a friend, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Beziehung zwischen Meister und Schuler, Vienna

Lecture by Swamiji from Vienna, Austria in July 2005.

Always be ready to learn, Vienna

Lecture by Swamiji from Vienna, Austria in July 2005.

Who is your beloved, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Anusthan gives a darshan

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Ego is the willpower of life, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in July 2005.

Daya ist unser dharma, Vienna

Lecture by Swamiji from Vienna, Austria in June 2005.

Wir haben drei Familien, Vienna

Lecture by Swamiji from Vienna, Austria in June 2005.

Dharama Karma und Pralabdha, Hamburg

Lecture by Swamiji from Hamburg, Germany in May 2005.

Dein ziel ist Einheit, Hamburg

Lecture by Swamiji from Hamburg, Germany in May 2005.

Mantra is a seed in your heart

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in May 2005.

Navaratri - Honoring the Divine Mother and speech on Kriya Yoga, Gold Coast

Navaratri is a nine day celebration of the divine mother - Shakti.Singing and translation of Holy Gurujis bhajan: "Jaya Matesvari Jaya Devi Candan." Ram Navami is a festival, celebrating the incarnation of Lord Rama. What is Kriya Yoga? How can Kriya help you? What does Kriya do … read more »

Gurudev can make You a Paras

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in May 2005.

How to coordinate with the outer world, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in December 2004.

Yoga gives happiness to body, mind and soul, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in December 2004.

Eat the sweetness of immortality, Vep

Lecture by Swamiji from Vep, Hungary in December 2004.

Your body should not be a coffin

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in November 2004.

For bhakta nothing is impossible

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in November 2004.

Never say I don't care

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in October 2004.

The Master is the way to God

Lecture by Swamiji from Strilky, Czech Republic in October 2004.

Around the world - Surya Namaskar, Zagreb, CRO

Surya Namaskar with Mantras and Chakras at Sri Devpuriji Ashram, Zagreb, Croatia, January 2011

Around the world - World peace in your hands

Story about powerful message of Yoga in Daily Life: Peace is in your hands, Inner peace for world peace

Self Inquiry Meditation in Theory and Praxis, Sunshine Coast

Meditation is not something that you practice.Meditation comes from itself. There are two kinds of Meditation: Active and passive Meditation. Active Meditation is, when you do something and feel very happy with it, you love to do this work. This is your … read more »

What is Happiness?

Satsang with Vishwaguruji from Sunshine Coast.Swami Shivananda said: Within you is the fountain of the joy and within you is the ocean of the bliss.Your heart is like an endless ocean and similarly in your heart everyone should have a place. … read more »

Asanas are like a cosmic dance, Sunshine Coast

How should we do our Asanas? Swamiji gives practical instructions for the Yoga practice.1. Practise every day, systematically, this is important. 2. Use your own Yoga mat for your better spiritual development. 3. Prepare mentally and pray to God for blessing and guidance. 4. First relaxation to receive the … read more »

The whole world is my family, Sunshine Coast

The satsang starts with bhajans.Welcome - is coming home not as a guest, but as a family member. Sannyasins renounce their own family therefore the whole world is their family. Swamiji tells an episode from the Ramayana where Ravana kidnapped … read more »

Listen with your heart and with your brain, Gold Coast

MM Sw.Jasraj Puri says - try to understand. How to know what suits you, what is the best thing for you. Try to understand why and be ready for your lesson. Swamiji says: When you accept, when … read more »

Prayers give us peace, Gold Coast

Readings from the book "Lila Amrit." Prayers give us external as well as inner peace. When inner peace is not there then we are lost. If we have lost inner peace, what ever we will tell - it will not help. … read more »

Prayers and Mantras have immense of power, Gold Coast

In most critical situations in our life we practise mantra and prayer.Mantra and prayer is the most powerful tool which human have got in their life. Mantras and spiritual songs - this are also prayers. It is better to light a candle then stand in darkness.That candle … read more »

The Self and The Soul, Melbourne

Sri Ram - Kirtan sung by Ally.Swami Jasraj Puri brings an example: When on the spiritual path arise doubts - hold on, it will calm down. Swami Sannyasanand speaks about Pranayama, Ida and Pingala breathing. Swamiji speaks about Lord Shiva,Yog Shakti, the … read more »

Time and destiny, Melbourne

Every saint or holy incarnation has to go through certain experiences in life.Even God has to go through particular situaions. Does God have a destiny? The life of Jesus - he had to go through many hard situations in his life. Was this his destiny or was him … read more »

Hidden quality in humans, Melbourne

Satsang from Shirdi Sai Baba temple, Melbourne, Australia

The Aim of Human Life, Melbourne

Swamiji introduces MM Swami Jasraj Puri and explaines in great detail what means Mahamandaleshwar and Akkhara.Ashram: A means welcome, Shram means work. Ashram means: Come to work here on your body, mind, consciousness and realisation. Space is the endless glory of God. We don't know where is the beginning or the … read more »

Harmony for Body, Mind and Soul, Melbourne

What is a Akkhara? How is the process to be a Mahamandaleshwar? Swami Jasraj Puri speaks about harmony.Swamiji speaks about spirituality. What is spirituality? How does it look like? What do you think what is the spirituality? It means purity, transparent pure consciousness. If you want a spiritual life then you have to … read more »

Guru Tattva, Wellington, NZ

Guru Tattva is directly connected to God Shiva.Guru Tattva is the highest Tattva in the world. Shiva Tattva destroys all negative karmas, negative thoughts and qualities which we cannot overcome. Vishnu Tattva is protecting us and our destiny. Brahma Tattva creates in us … read more »

Spirituality and Charity, Raumati - Kapiti Coast, NZ

Every spiritual person is concentrated in well being of the entire planet and work for the well being of this world.Spiritualy developed people are connected through prayers to God. Without God or spiritual development the world cannot survive. Swamiji tells a episode from Ramayana about Vishmamitra and Guru Vashista. Satsang is the most precious time of … read more »

Protection of our planet and sustainability in daily life, Wellington, NZ

When mother earth is suffering then all children are suffering.We lost the feeling of non violence towards mother earth. We have no more respect to our mother. Our greed is limitless. All this situatons which happens in the world is due to the humans. If … read more »

The six Inner Treasures of Yoga (2/2), Wellington, NZ

Whole nature is maintaining its peace.By nature we are also a symbol of peace,mercy,kindness,love and light. We humans should live in harmony with the nature. Yoga is the science of harmony of body, mind and soul. We are deeply connected with … read more »

Ancient Wisdom for the Challenges of our Modern Times, Wellington , NZ

Wisdom will be always wisdom.Light will be always light. It is given by our ancestors. Dharma is the law of the nature and cosmic law. Humans have lost their beautiful relation with nature. Humans manipulate and discriminate the law of … read more »

How to Simplify Your Life and Be Happy, Raumati - Kapiti Coast, NZ

Yoga in Daily Life Center Kapiti (New Zealand), welcomes Swamiji with a beautiful programme.Welcoming ceremonies round the world are still existing where ancient cultures are alive. People of the past has more taken care of the nature Modern people are destroing and we do not believe anymore. If we … read more »

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