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Satsang means being with the truth
Evening satsang from Iz, Croatia.Satsang means being with the truth. Truth is there in the from of words of yogis and in the from of singing Bhajans, spiritual songs, and listening explanations on them.
Blessing of Ganesha
Lecture about birthday of Ganeshji.Explanation of meaning of symbols and stories concerning Him.
Gyan Putra
MM Swami Jasrajpuriji speaking about Gyan Putra.The school, founded by MM Swami Maheshwaranandaji helps local, poor children to get the knowledge. As a result of proper education "the world is open for them now". School cant work without donations and without work … read more »
OM is God
Explanation of OM.Meditation on OM and singing OM - Bhajan.
The richness of satisfaction
Evening satsang with Jasraj Puri Ljubljana, Slovenia.In our life we can find many valuable things like gold, jewels, a castle or being a king. We can spend our whole life thinking on this or that what we would like to have, to … read more »
Satsang on occasion of Gurujis Birthday (2/2)
Satsang from Yoaga retreat with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand, Iz, Croatia MM Jasraj talks about Guruji in occesion of Gurujis Birthday … read more »
Saints are Masters of Life, Jadan
Satsang from Jadan with Swami Yogesh Puriji Holy Guruji's birthday, according to the Indian calendar, is the occasion to remember some personal experiences with him.Swami Yogesh Puriji shares some episodes, travelling with Holy Guriji to the Himalayas and he remembers some very special happenings.. Saints are masters of the elements. They know the past, the present and the future. They … read more »
Satsang on occasion of Gurujis birthday (1/2)
Morning satsang from Yoaga retreat with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand, Iz, Croatia MM Jasraj talks about Guruji in occesion of Gurujis Birthday … read more »
Island of Iz 2011
How to overcame vritis
Evening satsang from Yoga retreat with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand, Iz, Croatia
Essence of practicing
Satsang with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand, Iz, Croatia
Yoga retreat on Iz island
Evening satsang with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand
Morning satsang from Iz
Morning satsang from Iz with MM Swami Jasraj Puri and Swami Gajanand, Croatia
Appreciate What You Have
Opening Satsang of Yoga retreat with MM Swami Jasraj Puriji in Iz, Croatia.When travelling and coming to different places, to different cities and Yoga centers, we should be aware how beautiful it is to come to the satsangs. Coming to a new place we have never been before … read more »
The Cosmic Worlds
The Heritage of the Vedas VII.LOKAS - The levels of the universe. Loka, a Sanskrit word, means dimension or plane of existence. The universe, any particular division of it, a cosmic region. Each Loka reflects or involves a particular range of … read more »
Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Morning Satsang from Strilky
Morning Satsang from Strilky
Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Evening Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji. … read more »
Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji
Morning satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji
Jadan is a spiritual heaven
Evening satsang from Strilky .Swami Niranjan Puriji from Jadan Ashram on a short visit in Strilky. Heartly welcomed by the audience, he shares his experiences, living in an Indian Ashram and gives some glimpses of his life as Sannyasin. A … read more »
London's evening satsang with Swamiji
Bhakta's speaking; grassroot projects; how to build the house according to Vaastu Shastra; Desirability of gurudev; translation of prayer Sri Dipa dayala araja suna lijo
Doubt and Kusanga
Morning satsang with Swamiji .Questions and answers; vacant heart - place for asuras
Farewell satsang from Strilky with Swamiji
Swamiji, questions and answers, health, culture, marriage, bioprotector
Evening satsang from Strilky with Hemlata and Swamiji
Physiotheraphist Hemlata explains all about knees, feet joints and their protection during yoga practice, Swamiji about spice and ayurveda.
Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Morning satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day, Night Program occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation
Night Program in the occasion of Lord Krishna's Incarnation
God Incarnates
Evening Satsang with Swamiji from Jadan.God is formless but when the cosmic light, the cosmic consciousness, the cosmic energy or shakti descends on earth, then it needs to adopt the 5 elements to be able to live and to act. Four … read more »
Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day part four
A joyful celebration on the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation day takes place in Jadan Ashram.Sri Krishna is considered to be one of the most popular human incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Born more than 5000 years ago in Mathura city, the revered God of Hindu religion and his teachings hold immense … read more »
Flute music on Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day
Beautiful meditative music from Strilky Ashram on the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation.
Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day part three
A joyful celebration on the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation day takes place in Jadan Ashram.Sri Krishna is considered to be one of the most popular human incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Born more than 5000 years ago in Mathura city, the revered God of Hindu religion and his teachings hold immense … read more »
Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day part one
A joyful celebration on the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation day takes place in Jadan Ashram.Sri Krishna is considered to be one of the most popular human incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Born more than 5000 years ago in Mathura city, the revered God of Hindu religion and his teachings hold immense … read more »
Lord Krishna's Incarnation Day part two
A joyful celebration on the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna's incarnation day takes place in Jadan Ashram.Sri Krishna is considered to be one of the most popular human incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Born more than 5000 years ago in Mathura city, the revered God of Hindu religion and his teachings hold immense … read more »
Evening Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Avatar is a divine incarnation
Everything has to come through one of the four ways to the world.Either in the form of the seed, as bacteria, through eggs, human or animal birth. Only God Shiva is an exception. He is not born, He manifested himself out of the Nada, the Jiva Jyoti. That … read more »
Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Siddhis are supernatural powers
Translating Sri Satguru Chalisa, Swamiji comes also to the explanation of Siddhis, the supernatural powers.Siddhis are natural milestones on the path of the yogi. Further spiritual development is parallel with growing control over the material and spiritual worlds. As a matter of principle one should never aspire for siddhis, nor … read more »
Reincarnation is a question of Karma
Reincarnation means changing the form.Reincarnation means, according to our Karmas, we go through different experiences and take upon us different coats. Reincarnation is decided on our last thought when we leave the body. It depends on our last thought where … read more »
Happiness is within us
Humans would like to achieve salvation.We all are searching for happiness. No one would like to be unhappy. Many people look good from outside but inside they are empty. Inside is suffering and no direction of life. We have to get … read more »
Long run surrender is essential
Swami Premanandji shares with us a yogic- philosophical reflection about humanity, the human life and the human spiritual development.Who are we in reality? The longing to know the answer, is the motor which let us do so many different things in life, to figure out our borders. Finally, after a longtime search are we … read more »
How Guru works with disciple
Evening satsang from Strilky.MM Swami Jasrajpuriji talks about his experiences how Swamiji worked with Him as a disciple.
Practicing Pranayama Techniques
Prana means breath, ayam means to control, to regulate.Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the breath. With each breath we absorb not only oxygen, but also Prana. Prana is cosmic energy. The power in the Universe that creates, preserves and … read more »
The power of the spiritual name
Every name has a deep meaning.The given name by our parents is according to their state of mind. Many times the model of famous people are used. Also the family name is not given by chance. This is Karma. Every name … read more »
Yoga and Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist Ambadevi shows detailed in theory and praxis, how to use Yoga exercises in a therapeutic way.What is the value of Yoga for a therapeutic situation, according to the system Yoga in Daily Life, founded by Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda.Swamiji created a very unique system which is proofed and acknowledged by different … read more »
Satsang with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji
Satsang from Strilky with MM Swami Jasrajpuriji and Swami Gajanandji Bhajan singing and short explanation how to keep mind calm. … read more »
Be ready for every moment
Evening Satsang with Swami Jasraj Puriji in Strilky 15/08/2011.Every moment in our life is precious. Sadhana means also to be prepared for the moment. The qualities which we have, are too hard to let us turn around. They are so deep inside us and … read more »
To be independent
Evening satsang in the occasion of Gurudev's Birthday What means independency to you? Many people where witnessing several wars.The ambition to fight is in any human and animals too. When the human gets the ambition to fight for position, for money and creating or awakening cruel thoughts, to kill or damage properties, that means, … read more »
Jay Sri Maheshwaranandji Maharaj - Bhajan
Morning lecture with Swami Jasraj Puriji and Swami Gajanandji 15/08/2011 in Strilky Ashram.This day is very special because the Indian independency is celebrated in whole India and it is also Swamiji's birthday. Holy Guruji wrote one bhajan 1999 when he visited Strilky. This bhajan - Jay Sri Maheshwaranandji … read more »
Indian Independence Day
Cultural program organized in the occasion of the Indian Independence Day in Jadan Asram 15/08/2011.Swamiji, guests of honor, teachers, children, the Ashram community and many visitors are celebrating the Indian independence day in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwarananda Ashram, Education and Research Center in Rajasthan, India. A beautiful program … read more »
There is a way to become free
Jivatman is tight in his own phenomena, the body.On the day when we free ourselves from the bondage ,we are not Jivatman anymore but Atman. There is a way to become free - surrender. In Bhagavad-Gita Krishna said to Arjuna: Give up everything and … read more »
Raksha Bandhan Festival
Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi Purnima is a festival which celebrates the relationship between brothers and sisters.The central ceremony involves the tying of a rakhi (sacred thread) by a sister on her brother's wrist. This symbolizes the sister's love and prayers for her brother's well-being, and the brother's lifelong vow to protect … read more »